The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
“By far the most important initiative and best opportunity for reform in the world ever”
Action Plan - SP 50
Universal Strategic Plan (USP)
• Enforce the fact that under our constitution sovereignty resides in the people
• Prepare Target Action Plans (TAPs) for All UN SDG Targets and Green New Deal Goals
• Prepare for and coordinate their implementation
• Have a Peaceful, Prosperous, Just, Sustainable World
(Updated July 17, 2021)
Note: Please forward proposed corrections, refinements and additions to this Document to PeopleNow.org by email: info@peoplenow.org
Please Note: This Strategic Plan was originally developed over the years as the Universal Strategic Plan for a Peaceful, Prosperous, Just, Sustainable World along with Action Plans. When all 193 countries of the world, including the U.S., committed to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their Targets and developed countries, including the U.S., committed to help undeveloped countries implement the UN SDGs and Targets in their countries, PeopleNow.org began converting their original Universal Strategic Plan to this one and their Action Plans to UN SDG Target Action Plans (TAPs). Also, when the fantastic Green New Deal Resolution was originated began including its Goals in this plan.
50.1 Introduction
50.1.1 This nonpartisan, nonhierarchic (no ‘sacred rulers'), nonviolent, Universal Strategic Plan (USP) is to get the millions of people and thousands of organizations in both the public and private sectors all over the world collaborating, working together, sharing ideas and to coordinate not manage the work to rapidly implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target Action Plans (TAPs) and Target Actions (TAs) in the most effective and efficient ways possible and to develop TAPs for all Targets for which TAPs have not yet been developed. It is described on www.PeopleNow.org. It is a work in progress. It provides a framework into which additional UN SDG Targets and Associated Target Action Plans (TAPs) ideas and elements can easily be inserted. Draft TAPs have been prepared for the most urgent SDG Targets. It states problems will be resolved in the most effective and efficient ways possible and the ism’s - socialism, capitalism, communism, etc will not be used or alluded to. Many don’t understand and often disagree on what these words actually mean. A massive amount of work must be done to implement the UN SDG TAPS and have a permanently peaceful, prosperous, just, sustainable world. Your comments, suggestion and ideas are welcomed and can be forwarded to PeopleNow.org by email: RefineThePlan@PeopleNow.org. If you would like to help refine and implement it, please email Volunteer@PeopleNow.org.
50.1.2 Accomplishing this plan will end the use of nuclear weapons, wars, violence, conflicts, poverty, hunger, inequalities, etc. and provide clean water, nutritious food, decent housing, quality health care, full employment at guaranteed living wages, clean energy, equal justice for all and much more for everyone in the world.
50.1.3 In his book, The Sane Society, Eric Fromm states: "Change must be a simultaneous change in economic, education, political and cultural spheres. Changes restricted to one sphere are destructive of every change.” This implies, for example, when wars are permanently ended and most of the millions of military personnel and civilians in the Department of Defense and working for defense contractors there must be: Jobs and/or educational and training opportunity at living wages for everyone and for each person as they become available Honest, caring, dedicated legislators who will pass the necessary legislation and vacate unnecessary legislation A like-minded president who will ensure the laws are faithfully and fairly executed Funding for full employment Otherwise as Fromm predicts releasing DOD-MIC personnel without planning will: Increase unemployment Drive down wages Destroy efforts to find jobs for released nonviolent offenders and immigrant asylum seekers Destroy efforts to enact liberal-labor-reform and immigration-reform legislation, etc. This does not mean that wars should not be ended immediately. It does mean, that we must collaborate and work together from the same set of comprehensive plans, plan ahead and adjust as the situation changes
50.1.4 Please review the following Table of Contents which provides an outline of this Strategic Plan. Each item in the plan can be accessed by clicking on it. Please at least read the titles of the Common Agenda items and Subscribe to work on those in which you are interested.
50Universal Strategic Plan
50.4.7 Develop budgets for all this work and Implement short and long term fund raising programs TAP 65. Refine Titles of UN SDGs and Targets to Enhance their Coherence and Meaning TAP56 The Global Factual Education and Training Program Plan for and develop An Advanced Project/Industrial Management and Communications System
50.4.12 Introduce the USP and UN SDG TAPs
50.4.14 Demand Public Servants Do Their Jobs and Replace Those Who Do Not
50.4.15 Plan and Conduct Global Online Forums
50.4.16 Develop an Online Working e-Book of the USP and UN SDG TAPS
50.5.4 Lewis Powell's Memo to the Chamber of Commerce
50.5.6 Changes in the Economy Since The 1970s
50.5.7 Primary Causes of the National Debt
50.5.8 Primary Causes of the Ongoing Economic and Jobs Crises
50.5.10 Illegality, Criminality and Immorality of War A Summary of the U. S. Illegal Wars and Use of Force in the Mideast Oil and Oil Profits: The Primary Reason The U. S. is in the Mideast
50.6.1 The Problem of the 20th Century: Poverty in the Age of Abundance
50.6.3 Underlying Causes of These Problems
50.7.1 Fromm’s Prescription for a Sane Society
50.7.2 Use a Common Vision Statement for All Humankind
50.7.3 Everyone Work from a Set of Common Goals and Plans
50.7.4 Make the Scope of the Movement “Global” and the Strategic Plan “Universal”
50.7.5 Accept No Excuse for Poverty or Wars
To provide a comprehensive nonpartisan, nonhierarchic, nonviolent Universal Strategic Plan for a Permanently Peaceful, Prosperous, Just, Sustainable World to help coordinate (not manage) the work of the thousands of organizations and millions of individuals working on change and reform around the world and helps them be more effective by refining and implementing the UN SDG TAPS that provide a common set of plans that lets them choose what they want to work on, collaborate easily with others, ensure all needed actions are accomplished and avoid duplicating efforts.
50.3 Objectives Implement UN SDGs to correct essentially every significant problem in the world, for example:
50.3.1 Prevent any possible use of nuclear weapons and permanently end wars, conflicts, use of force, violence, torture, occupations, militarism, empire building, etc.
50.3.2 Prevent any possible breakdown or collapse of social order, the economy, monetary system, legitimate governments or a depression, etc.
50.3.3 As rapidly as possible ensure healthcare is available for all the sick, decent housing for all the homeless, nutritious food for the malnourished and hungry, full employment at living wages, affordable needs and necessities for a decent life, secure neighborhoods for all, etc.
50.3.4 Permanently end poverty, gross wealth and income inequalities, corporate executives and elitist control of public servants, environmental degradation, natural resource depletion, corruption, exploitations, state sponsored racism and other injustices, slow the rate and decrease the degree of global climate change and mitigate its adverse effects as much as possible, etc.
50.3.5 Have a permanently peaceful, prosperous, just, sustainable world. This does not imply that we will have a utopia or imply “perfection”. A perfect world without challenging problems would be impossible and boring.
50.4.1 Use a modified Delphi Method to plan, collaborate on and coordinate the preparation, refinement and implementation of USP Documents, the GND, SDGs, APs, TAPs and TAs.
The Delphi Method was originally developed by Rand Corporation people who were dissatisfied with committee meetings. To achieve better collective though, instead of having meetings they circulated questionnaires to all group members. Each person wrote down his answer and sent them back in silence and anonymously. Then all the answers were provided to all the members who were asked to review all of them, reconsider and fill out the questionnaire again after paying attention to the other views. Two cycles were usually enough and Delphi worked wonderfully well.
Everyone who likes can participate and it gets minds together so that a group can do collective figuring. Delphi is a really quiet, thoughtful conversation in which everyone gets a chance to listen and provide input. There are no voices, and therefore no rising voices. Before Delphi was real listening in a committee meeting was a near impossibility.
Various modified "Delphi Methods" have been successfully used to circulate, correct, refine and complete documents and plans and collaborate on and coordinate work for members of a group, This is much easier today with advanced software, email, the internet, skype, zoom, etc. This will work best if we all use common plans and documents modified only as necessary to fit the local situation. – Paraphrased from “Delphi method - Wikipedia,” where there is additional information.
So if someone has a better idea for a Target Action or anything, they may paste the "htm" version of the original item with its paragraph number into a word document, type in their idea in red next to it and email it to refinetheplan@peoplenow.org where it will be reviewed and utilized as appropriate.
50.4.2 Enforce the fact that under our constitution sovereignty resides in the people as described in Supreme Court rulings including: Julliard v Greenman, 110 U.S. 421 (1884) "There is no such thing as a power of inherent sovereignty in the government of the United States... In this country, sovereignty resides in the people, and Congress can exercise no power which they have not, by their Constitution entrusted to it. All else is withheld." Perry v. U.S., 294 U.S. 330 (1935): "In the United States, sovereignty resides in the people... the Congress cannot invoke sovereign power of the People to override their will as thus declared." Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356 (1886): "Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law... While sovereign powers are delegated to... the government, sovereignty itself remains with the people."
50.4.3 Prepare a plan for and launch a Public Affairs (PA), Social and other Media Campaign to familiarize organizations and individuals with the GND, SDGs, Targets, TAPs, TAs, the USP and their importance. This plan should emphasize how important and urgent implementing the SDGs and GND is and get everyone possible working on reversing global warming and mitigating its adverse effects. As you know we are way behind on reversing or even slowing Global Warming, fires are rapidly destroying Australia and the Amazon rainforest. We must avoid reaching tipping points and prevent irreparable damage to lifeforms (human and non-human).
50.4.4 Lease office space in the Washington DC Area co-located with or near a Progressive Organization from which to coordinate this work and apply for joint grants and government contracts. Individuals from Partner Organizations that do not have an office in the DC area could use it when they are in DC.
50.4.5 Build teams of activist and activist organizations, interns, volunteers, writers, editors, typists, educators, researchers and computer, database, legislation tracking, outreach, legal/paralegal, development/funding personnel and contact manager list them in ACT! Most of these individuals will work in the cloud/telecommute primarily using the Modified Delphi Method see paragraph 50.4.1
50.4.6 Solicit ideas of all individuals and organizations and implement TAP35 Plan to Prioritize Using New Thinking and Doing Holistically, Engaging and Mobilizing New Voices and Constituencies, Strengthening Capacity of and Collaboration Among Organizations and Individuals Engaged in Progressive Issues. Treat all as Equal Partners. Ensure that the public and private sectors are informed and educated about the importance of this and encouraged to use it. Maintain listings of potential partner movements, organizations and individuals in the Global Matrix Network (GMN) Learn more about these organization in particular their agendas from their web sites, announcements and meetings Discuss with the principals of these organizations ways that we can work together better and how they can learn about the USP and help refine and implement it. Request these organizations add their ongoing projects and/or working groups to join the GMN and/or suggest additional Target Action Plans (TAPs) and or Target Actions (TAs) and/or additional working groups Request organizations and individuals take the lead or participate in a working group for a TAP and/or key element of this plan that they are passionate about working on. They will be provided the names of other individuals who are interested in working on that same item once we are better organized.
50.4.7 Develop budgets for all this work and Implement short and long term fund raising programs Identify potential funding sources
50.4.8 Establish an Advisory Board for PeopleNow.org.
50.4.9 Establish working groups for this Universal Strategic Plan, and each of the SDG TAPs in particular to ensure that all elements and actions of the Universal Strategic Plan and TAPs are honest with no spin and that it helps all people not just a select few.
50.4.10 Develop and continually refine, maintain and implement TAPs and major elements of the USP in particular: TAP 65. Refine Titles of UN SDGs and Targets to Enhance their Coherence and Meaning Refine the 40 or so existing TAPs and develop Target Actions and Target Action Plans for all the remaining UN SDG Targets and sequence and implement them all as rapidly as possible. Very urgent Target Actions (TAs) should be implemented ASAP and not delayed while preparations are completed. Develop a comprehensive Table of Contents and search engine so that individuals can in easily find the Target Actions and Target Action Plans in which they are interested TAP56 The Global Factual Education and Training Program
• Inform, Educate and Promote Cooperation and ending “bad habits”
• Peaceful Resolution of Disputes
• Sustainable Development and the Rapid Implementation of the UN SDG Target Action Plans (TAPs)
• Universal Strategic Plan Worldwide TAP55 Build the Nonpartisan, Nonhierarchic, Global Matrix Network (GMN) of Individuals, Organizations, Events and Miscellaneous Items with Each’s Nine Digit Zip Codes which Provides the Neighborhood, Community, City, State and Political Districts of Each get organizations and individuals to join the Global Matrix Network as equal partners and find other individuals and organizations working on the same things that they are. Familiarize organizations and individuals with the PeopleNow.org’s websites and plans and get them to join the Global Matrix Network as partners and find other individuals and organizations working on the same things they are. Implement Action Plan AP34 Develop and implement parallel movements and plans for cities, counties, states, other nations and the United Nations that replicate applicable SDG TAPs and parts of the USP originally prepared to cover the U.S. Federal government beginning with replicated plans for Washington D.C. and the United Nations and its associated organizations, see TAP 20 (AP34 needs to be updated and refined). Lessons learned, corrections and suggestions from the replicated plans will be shared and fed back into the Federal Government plans and vice versa. Plan for and develop An Advanced Project/Industrial Management and Communications System in the Cloud that will among other things: Include all the TAPs, USP documents, lessons learned for the U.S. Federal Government and the replicated documents for other countries, cities, states, counties, the UN, its related institutions, etc in a relational data base where information in particular new technologies and practices can easily be shared. Include a comprehensive search engine to find information about and actions to be taken to solve all significant problems/issues in the world and how individuals can join the Working Group(s) resolving the problems/issues in which they are interested.
50.4.11 Get every individual and organization possible working on implementing the USP and the UN SDGs TAPs
50.4.12 Introduce the USP and UN SDG TAPs Inform the leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus about: TAP50 The Universal Strategic Plan (USP) it’s importance and major elements. TAP51 The Common Agenda of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG Target Action Plans (TAPs) and USP Documents TAP12 Reform and Reorganize Congress and the Executive Department by Function as Necessary to Have an Effective, Efficient Government. Fund the Work in the Strategic Plan, Eliminate Deficit Spending, Sequestration and Austerity Programs and Pay Down the National Debt by Making Funds Available from the Summary of Funding Sources to accomplish the work in the Common Agenda, double Social Security payments, provide comprehensive and improved Healthcare for all. Solicit their ideas and support to refine and implement SDGs using the USP. Request CPC members provide proposed corrections or suggestions to refinetheplan@peoplenow.org. Schedule planning meetings of the key personnel and advisors of USP with the leaders of the CPC.
50.4.14 Demand Public Servants Do Their Jobs and Replace Those Who Do Not Become knowledgeable of your public servants voting records and activities In a non-confrontational way become acquainted with and get to be on a first name basis with members of their legislators’ staffs. Obtain their e-mail addresses, phone, fax numbers and physical addresses of their offices and establish a working relationship with them. Exchange information with them about the areas they are particularly interested in. Point out to them that the Outline of Potential Funding Sources to Accomplish the Work in the Common Agenda, Eliminate the Annual Deficit and Pay Down the National Debt, shows that THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO NEED FOR AUSTERITY PROGRAMS. Solicit their ideas and support to implement this strategic plan. Demand that public servants: Care for the people, environment and natural resources of the world. Adhere to the spirit and intent of their oath of office, the Constitution and national and international laws. Help to refine and use this Strategic Plan as their own and accomplish all the demands, plans and Actions from the Common Agenda
50.4.15 Plan and Conduct Global Online Forums
50.4.16 Develop an Online Working e-Book of the USP and UN SDG TAPS. Working group leaders will be asked to be editors of the applicable section of the e-book.
50.5.1 All 193 Member States of the United Nations, including the United States, have committed themselves to implement the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their 169 Targets that build on and expand the Millennium! Development! Goals (MDGs). Developed countries, including the U.S. have agreed to help all the developing countries with their implementation. Basically there is a Target for essentially every significant problem/issue in the world. This means that the governments of all the countries of the world have committed to work together to correct all significant problems of the world including eliminate all nuclear weapons; end all wars conflicts, gun violence, unemployment, poverty, hunger, inequality and racism; provide clean water, nutritious food, decent housing, quality health care, education and training, full employment at guaranteed living wages, clean energy, equal justice for all; pay off the national debt; and, reduce the rate and degree of global warming and climate change and mitigate their adverse effects. The spirit and intent of the SDGs and their Targets are clear and they are fantastic. However, they were written/modified by many organizations in different countries, are not well organized, need refining, are currently severely underfunded, scheduled to take way too much time and are goals and targets/problems not action plans. Although the UN SDGs have been in effect since January 1, 2016, the U.S. Government has done very little to implement them or prepare plans for their implementation. “Our backward, shallow-thinking government and leaders have absolutely no plan, priorities, vision, direction or strategy for the future. Those in control of the U.S., specifically in the presidency and Congress, are in a state of chaos, turmoil and political paralysis of their own making. They go from day to day just reacting to conditions that as they emerge. Paraphrased from this article. "What I.F. Stone saw clearly, and what bears repeating four and half decades later, is that the ecological movement will get nowhere if it fails to connect the dots with other overlapping crises facing our society, from racism to militarism to inequality." (From Naomi Klein's article: Reading I.F. Stone on Earth Day. "Change must be a simultaneous change in economic, education, political and cultural spheres. Changes restricted to one sphere are destructive of every change." (From Eric Fromm's book, The Sane Society)
50.5.2 Many of our public and private sector officials are not telling us the truth, have articulated no real solutions to these crises and show little if any empathy for their fellow human beings.
50.5.3 We have ingrained criminality in our financial sector described by Charles Ferguson in his book Predator Nation: It is no exaggeration to say that since the 1980s, much of the American (and global) financial sector has become criminalized, creating an industry culture that tolerates or even encourages systematic fraud. The behavior that caused the mortgage bubble and financial crisis was a natural outcome and continuation of this pattern, rather than some kind of economic accident. These crimes and exploiting, workers, scientists and engineers has paid off for corporations. According to Forbes.com, in 2017, the world's 2,000 leading companies/corporations had total assets of $169 trillion, which had increased by $104 trillion since 2003 and $ 23 trillion over just the past four years year. The Forbes 2000, leading/largest companies included 565 U.S. corporations-companies with a total of over 40 trillion dollars of assets including several trillion in cash. John Williams at Shadow Government Statistics states “that much of the official data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is biased and manipulated and runs counter to personal and business experiences”. For example,
Actual Unemployment is Much Higher Than What
the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Reports Show
Image Courtesy of ShadowStats.com Above chart shows that in September, 2017, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported the unemployment rate, in red above, as 4.4% while the actual unemployment rate, in blue, was 22.2% according to John Williams, ShadowStats Williams also shows: That the official BIS official consumer year to year inflation rate is about 2% and the actual inflation rate is almost 10%. The Administration does this to keep Social security payments low. That a hyper inflationary great depression is moving closer. The U.S. government and the federal reserve have effectively destroyed global confidence in the U.S. dollar. Systemic -solvency and economic crises have not abated. Precursors to ultimate dollar disaster are in place. If we continue with the current failed monetary system and capitalism, do not work together and have comprehensive change and reform, we will have:
• A massive perhaps endless depression and worldwide unemployment
• Increasing poverty, malnutrition, hunger, preventable and curable diseases, homelessness and illiteracy
• Endless wars, occupations, militarism and empire building
• More torture, abuse, extraordinary rendition, false arrests and non judicial murders
• Chronic water, energy shortages, environment degradation and natural resource depletion
Refining and implementing this plan as rapidly as possible is imperative. Every second somewhere in the world a child dies from starvation or a preventable diseases. In the United States, the richest country in the world, at least the one with the most millionaires and billionaires, poverty is increasing and we have over a million homeless children living in shelters. This is absolutely unnecessary and criminal.
Charles Ferguson, Director of the Oscar Winning Documentary 'Inside Job' and Author of 'Predator Nation', in his Blog – "How Financial Criminalization Crashed the Economy, and the Culprits Got Off Scot-Free," states:
“The real challenge is figuring out how the United States can regain control of its future from its new oligarchy and re-store its position as a prosperous, fair, well-educated nation. For if we don't, ... we may face the steady immiseration of most of the American population.”
Robert Kall, Executive Editor, Publisher and Website Architect of OpEdNews.com, in his August 12, 2012, OpEdNews.com article, Do You Think Obama Was the First to Order Assassinations?, stated:
“We will not be able to ask nicely for our power back, or for the military or the intelligence agencies or the Executive branch's power to be given up. We will have to take strong, powerful actions. .. . the first step to fixing and then changing something for the better is to be aware of, and to diagnose the full extent and the etiology [causation] of the problem.”
This plan prescribes how we can diagnose the full extent and the etiology of the problem, take strong, powerful Actions and regain control of out future.
To do this requires a thorough understanding of the reasons these injustices exists, the underlying causes of these injustices and what must be done to permanently correct these injustices and their underlying causes.
50.5.4 Lewis Powell's Memo to the Chamber of Commerce: Outline of an overall plan for corporate rule over the Government
The following is paraphrased from Jeffrey D. Clement's outstanding book, Corporations Are
Not People.
In 1971, Lewis Powell, a shrewd, [dishonest, immoral] corporate lawyer, a representative for the tobacco industry with the Virginia legislature and a director of more than a dozen international corporations, including Philip Morris Inc., a global manufacturer and seller of cigarettes [who argued that smoking was not addictive and not unhealthy], wrote a confidential memorandum to the leadership of the United States Chamber of Commerce. In this memorandum Powell outlined a critique and a plan to use "activist" Supreme Court judges to create corporate power, personhood and rights. “The roots of Citizens United lie in Powell's 1971 strategy.
In this confidential memo Powell, who would be nominated by President Nixon to the U. S. Supreme Court by President Nixon five months later, stated:
• Corporations must organize and fund a drive to achieve political power through "united action." Powell emphasized the need for a sustained, multi-year corporate campaign to use an "activist-minded Supreme Court" to shape "social, economic and political change" to the advantage of corporations.
• “... Independent and uncoordinated activity by individual corporations, as important as this is, will not be sufficient. Strength lies in:
• Organization,
• In careful long-range planning and implementation,
• In consistency of action over an indefinite period of years,
• In the scale of financing available only through joint effort, and in the political power available only through united action and national organizations.
Powell's 1971 memo to the Chamber of Commerce laid out a corporate power and rights campaign. The Chamber and the largest corporations then implemented these recommendations “with zeal, piles of money, patience, and an activist Supreme Court.”
Corporations and corporate executives also funded a wave of new "legal foundations" in the 1970s. These legal foundations were intended to drive into every court and public body in the land the same radical message, repeated over and over again, until the bizarre began to sound normal: “corporations are persons with constitutional rights against which the laws of the people must fall.”
These foundations began filing brief after brief challenging state and federal laws across the country. The foundations and the corporate lawyers argued that "corporations are persons" with the "liberty secured to all persons." They used new phrases like "corporate speech," the "rights of corporate speakers," and "the corporate character of the speaker." They demanded, as if to end an unjust silence, "the right of corporations to be heard" and "the rights of corporations to speak out."
50.5.5 The Kingpins of Carbon [Koch Brothers] and Their War on Democracy, Greenpeace US, September 2014 Report
The following is a taken verbatim from the Abstract of the outstanding new Greenpeace US Report The Kingpins of Carbon and Their War on Democracy by Charlie Cray and Peter Montague
Global warming is a potentially devastating problem requiring urgent action by governments.
However, to date the U.S. government has remained largely paralyzed. Now new Greenpeace
research has shed light on the sources of paralysis, a multi-decade war on democracy by the
kingpins of carbon - the coal, oil, and gas industries allied with a handful of self-interested
billionaires. Their strategy has aimed to:
(1) shrink, disable and paralyze progressive government and
(2) manipulate the remaining levers of government power by
(a) eliminating all restrictions on private money in elections and
(b) disenfranchising blacks, Latinos, the young, the elderly, and the disabled, all of whom are presumed to favor Democrats.
Since 1975, their strategy has rolled back New Deal programs, weakened labor unions, and reversed victories of the civil rights movement, undermining the strength and cohesion of the middle class, further enriching and empowering a tiny self-interested elite.
To manage the urgent problem of global warming, we will have to understand and overcome the libertarian campaign against progressive government and the war on democracy. The main strategy available to the citizenry entails large numbers of people agreeing on a simple agenda, then taking coordinated action together.
In 2012, a new coalition came together called the Democracy Initiative (DI), which includes
environmental, labor, and civil rights organizations. DI member organizations presently have
about 50 million members. http://www.democracyforus.org. To counter the war on democracy
by the kingpins of carbon, the Democracy Initiative has adopted a simple agenda: get private
money out of elections and protect everyone's right to vote
(Timely and effectively countering and reversing the strategy and gains of the Kingpins of Carbon is critical to civilization will become an objective of this USP
50.5.6 Changes in the Economy Since The 1970s
Over thirty-five years have passed since the Beechers’ wrote their essay.
What the businessmen have done and what has happened with the profit system since this essay was written in the 1970's is covered in more detail in Changes in the Economy Since The 1970's.
The Beecher’s underestimated the greed and dishonesty of the Businessmen, who the Beechers described as not serving any genuine purpose and are merely exploiting others for their own personal profit. These businessmen have not turned over distribution to anyone, they have not and will not voluntarily abdicate and most certainly are unable to unravel the chaos. Their profits have markedly increased not “disappeared.”
50.5.7 Primary Causes of the National Debt
50.5.8 Primary Causes of the Ongoing Economic and Jobs Crises
This document outlines the primary causes of the ongoing economic, jobs, banking, stock market, financial crises and the primary reasons the current actions by the government are not helping. The primary causes of the ongoing economic crisis includes: Wide spread trading of mortgage backed securities and other derivatives, that contributes nothing to the real economy instead of finding funds for the production and services economies,. Selling a single mortgage or bundling them into securities and then selling and reselling them takes funds from the true economy, is illogical and immoral and was and still should be illegal. Mortgages change in value continually as interest and taxes accrue, jobs are lost, children are born and payments are made or not made.
The Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland reports that the current notional (vague or
general) value of derivatives
held by the world’s financial institutions is $1,140 trillion which is
over 16 times the annual gross domestic product of the entire world. According to the
Comptroller of the Currency, the books of U.S. banks now carry over $180 trillion of derivatives.
Obviously, these derivatives are not worth nearly their book value and they in general become
worth less each day.
Derivatives are often called “toxic or troubled assets” if they are not worth as much as financial institution show that they are worth on their books. Since assets minus liabilities equals net worth, the actual value of the derivatives determines if the financial institution is solvent or not and whether or not the financial institution should be restructured or remain in business.
It is estimated that the actual value of derivatives in U. S. financial institutions are worth several hundred trillion dollars less than their value as listed on the financial institutions’ books. Obviously many of the largest banks are bankrupt and have been, and are concealing this bankruptcy by listing these assets on their books at prices that are far above their market value. Current laws and regulations require that books show actual value of assets and liabilities and that insolvent financial institutions be seized and restructured. This was not done.
Trading derivatives which does nothing for the real economy, were rightfully outlawed by New Deal legislation. On December 14, 2000, Senator Phil Gramm, supported by then Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, then Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and others, attached a 262 page amendment, that deregulated trading of derivatives and credit default swaps, to an omnibus appropriations bill. The amendment was never debated by the House or Senate and by-passed the substantive policy committees in both the House and the Senate so that there were neither hearings nor opportunities for recorded committee votes.
This and other laws passed by Congress unleashed the now worldwide derivatives market and opened the door to an explosion of new, unregulated securities. Banks and Wall Street, instead of investing in companies engaged in manufacturing, began investing in mortgages backed securities and other derivatives.
Gramm’s amendment also contained a provision lobbied for by Enron, a generous contributor to Gramm that exempted energy trading from regulatory oversight, allowing Enron to run rampant, wreck the California electricity market, and cost consumers billions before it collapsed.
Our legislators, government executives and regulators blamed it on a “few bad apples” and did nothing, and are not planning to do anything constructive. Widespread fraudulent practices in the origination of mortgages and in the trading of derivatives. John R. Talbott, best selling author of 2003's "The Coming Crash in the Housing Market" said on FOX News in July, 2008 that: “The current housing, mortgage and banking crisis was a vast criminal enterprise. Realtors were pushing homes on people they couldn't afford solely to garner the commission. Appraisers were inflating appraisals beyond reasonableness just to win business. Mortgage brokers were altering applications to change stated incomes to justify too much lending to home buyers. More importantly, banks and investment banks were packaging and selling mortgages as high quality investments that they knew faced severe risk of default in a market downturn. The investment banks were paying supposedly independent rating agencies to provide AAA ratings to the packaged mortgages. And finally: The banks and investment banks were spending over $400 million annually in lobbying expenses and much more in campaign contributions to "bribe" our congressmen and president so that their illegal activities would continue unregulated and unenforced. Trillions of dollars of losses have resulted and the housing market is still only about halfway through its inevitable decline. Talbott sees home prices declining as much as 25% nationwide and more than 50% on the coasts and in Las Vegas and Phoenix. [Please note that These remarks were made in July 2008]” FBI Deputy Director John Pistole and Acting Assistant Atty. Gen. Rita Glavin are quoted in a news article as saying in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that: Mortgage fraud and other types of corporate criminal behavior has contributed to the economic tailspin. They already have more than 2,300 open investigations into suspected illegal financial activity -- including 38 probes specifically linked to the crisis. Investigations are already straining the resources of the FBI and the Justice Department They expected the number of major investigations to rise into the many hundreds, focusing on big-name companies that "everybody knows about," and to be similar in scope and complexity to the massive probe of energy company Enron Corp. after its collapse in 2001.
50.5.9 Primary Reasons Many of the Current Actions by the Government Are Hurting Not Helping the True Economy
This document outlines the primary reasons the current actions by the government are not helping the true economy. It also provides examples of items from the stimulus act that do not significantly contribute to rapidly creating jobs or providing assistance for the unemployed. Actions by Officials of the Federal Reserve, FDIC and various U. S. Government Agencies.
Neil Barofsky, the Special Inspector General over the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in his July 2009 report to Congress reported that "Since the onset of the financial crisis in 2007 [through June 30 2009 the Federal Reserve, FDIC and various U. S. Government agencies have provided or committed $23.7 trillion of taxpayers' money to support the economy and financial system.
Most of these funds have gone to prop up selective, insolvent banks and other financial institutions under the guise of getting them to increase lending. Lending has not proportionally increased. Most banks, are charging exorbitant interest rates on the money that they are willing to lend. Meanwhile, foreclosures on homes, unemployment, poverty, hunger, the price of food and in particular the wealth divide between the rich and poor have increased or at least not getting any better.
If just a fraction of the of the $23.7 trillion had been spent on jobs, there would be no recession.
If trillions of dollars can be provided to banks and financial institutions, there is certainly enough money for health-care and jobs.
One of the key programs of the bailout was the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) which is described in detail, along with other related programs and issues, in Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troubled_Asset_Relief_Program.
The former Secretaries of the Treasury Henry Paulson and Timothy Geithner and Fed Chairman Bernake were instrumental in distributing the $23.7trillion. They nothing to fix the real problems in the financial systems and did not announced which financial institutions were insolvent and by how much. Instead they used taxpayers money to buy stock in these institutions some of which are insolvent. They paid much more than the stock in the financial institutions was worth. (On February 5, 2009, Elizabeth Warren, chairperson of the Congressional Oversight Panel, told the Senate Banking Committee that during 2008, the federal government paid $254 billion for assets that were worth only $176 billion.)
The $23.7 trillion was provided in such a way that the U.S. Government and taxpayers essentially have no say as to how the money was spent or over the management of institutions that they bought shares in or provided funds to.
It would have been infinitely better to have used this money for jobs and recovery.
Under their “new" plans to try to fix the financial system, Geithner and Bernanke unwisely and illegally, giving hundreds of billions of dollars more to financial institutions and draining more resources needed for jobs and other recovery efforts.
Geithner and Bernanke are allowing some of the banks to convert the preferred stock, that they and Secretary Paulson bought with taxpayers dollars, into common stock. This means that the banks will not have to pay the government dividends or buy back the stock in cash as they and Paulson had promised that the banks would do. At any point the common stock could become worthless.
Geithner and Bernanke are misleading the public under their so-called new Consumer and Business Lending Initiative. Under this program money will not be lent to consumers or businesses. According to the Treasury’s Document: The Consumer and Business Lending Initiative the Federal Reserve Bank of New York will lend up to $200 billion to holders of eligible asset backed securities (ABS) with the ABSs as collateral . [An ABS is a derivative]. Eligible ABSs include newly issued securitizations backed by credit card loans, private and government-guaranteed student loans, and loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration [none of these items are assets] and they can easily become worthless with the taxpayers will be left holding the bag.
Likewise under their ‘Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan’ billions of more taxpayers’ dollars will be given to banks. This will not work. It follows several other federal efforts to prevent foreclosures that have failed, including the Hope for Homeowners program, which was enacted last year.
Bernanke is also purchasing hundreds of billions of troubled mortgage-backed securities from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Buying troubled assets will slow down the effort to actually determine what they are worth and reward the business executives who caused the problems with taxpayers money.
There are several articles on the internet that show how Geithner’s Public-Private Investment Program (PPIP) will transfer more taxpayer money to Wall Street. Basically, The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) will put up 87%, the Treasury 7% and a ‘private assets funds manager’, such as Goldman Sachs, 7% of the funds to setup essentially a hedge fund to buy toxic assets. The private investor will have absolute control over the assets. Geithner has apparently already picked the firms that will bid against one another to run up the price of the toxic assets to close to full price, which are probably worth less than 30 cents on the dollar. The asset manager could buy the toxic assets at full price and then sell them later for 28 cents on the dollar to another investor. The firm is supposed to give half of the sales price, 14 cents or 14% to the government and retain the other 14%. Under this scenario the brokerage firm will double it’s investment, the bank get over three times what the toxic asset are worth and the taxpayer will lose 86% of their investment. The FDIC falsely represented to Congress that they needed $500 billion to protect depositors but is using the $500 billion for the PPIP.
Neither Geithner nor Bernanke are saying that these new plans will actually remove all the toxic assets from the financial systems. There is simply no way that the financial systems in the U.S. or the world can be bailed out. The Fed and U.S. government must not provide any additional funds to banks or to Wall Street. This money is needed for jobs and other recovery efforts.
On April 2, 2009, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) approved changes to fair-value, or mark-to-market accounting rules to allow firms to use "significant" judgment in gauging prices of some investments on their books, including mortgage-backed securities. Banks will also be allowed to exclude from net income any losses they deem "temporary," making it easier to provide a flattering earnings picture, said Kersting at Edward Jones.
50.5.10 Illegality, Criminality and Immorality of War
No viable, military threats to the U.S. exist.
Wars are illegal.
The Constitution calls for Congress to declare wars, a common defensive not offense and state guards (militias) not standing armies.
Despite there being no threats and wars being illegal, the Department of Defense employs over three million well educated, highly trained individuals with 450,000 of them overseas in offensive not defensive positions. DoD also has several hundred thousand individual buildings and structures and spends over a trillion dollars a year on useless Cold War weapons systems, illegal wars, drone attacks, covert operations and overseas bases that are generating terrorists and ill will against the U.S.
At Least 90% of DoD resources and funds are being wasted on imaginary enemies, obsolete weapons systems, ships that are sitting ducks, unneeded bases, huge standing armies personnel, facilities and land that could be put to much better use in new WPA and CCCs and working on such things as climate change and alternative energy sources.
The primary excuse for this waste is if defense funding is cut, workers will be laid off and unemployment will increase.
The solution -- no involuntary layoffs - have excess U. S. troops and Military-Industrial Complex workers help organize and work in new WPAs and CCCs and/or put them to work on items in the Common Agenda.
The war profiteers who have broken the law and the public servants who have been bribed by the war profiteers should be privately and humanely prosecuted as outlined uncommon Agenda:
Many outstanding organizations and individuals have worked on this for years and collectively know what needs to be done.
However, these organizations and individuals are not working nearly well enough together and have no overall strategic plan.
It provides proof of this abundance and explains why we still have poverty and how we can have prosperity instead of poverty, peace instead of wars and justice instead of injustice.
The United States can and must lead the efforts for a peaceful, prosperous, just world and cease empire building and bullying. A Summary of the U. S. Illegal Wars and Use of Force in the Mideast
This document explains how and why the invasions/occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and offensive operations in Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen et al. are illegal, unconstitutional, immoral, counter-productive and "self defeating".
As the table of contents (last updated in 2010) indicates this document was initially written with only Iraq in mind. However the relevance of other military incursions in the Middle East such as the invasion/occupation of Afghanistan and the attacks and covert operations against Pakistan and other countries is pertinent information to review. Proof of the Illegality of All Wars, Use of Force, Use of Nuclear Weapons and Strategy of Mutually Assured Destruction Oil and Oil Profits: The Primary Reason The U. S. is in the Mideast
The U.S. military, CIA , etc., whether they know it or nor, are in the Mideast to help U.S. and UK companies steal as much as possible of the oil revenues and profits instead of just getting paid for the work they do and because almost half of the easily accessible, most profitable petroleum is there.
50.6.1 The Problem of the 20th Century: Poverty in the Age of Abundance
50.6.2 Salient Problems Standing in the Way of Having a Peaceful, Prosperous, Just, Sustainable World. The following lists and describes general problems that should be resolved to have a peaceful, prosperous, just, sustainable world. We must understand what the problems are and why they exist, to correct these problems permanently.
50.6.3 Underlying Causes of These Problems. Unless the underlying causes of problems are identified and corrected, the problems will reoccur. Greed. Individuals, primarily the extremely rich, obsessed with financial and material wealth, exploiting others and supporting and helping to elect and reelect leaders so that they can use taxpayer’s money and military force, to coerce resources from the rest of the world. Many senior public servants are not doing their jobs, are violating their oaths of office and committing corrupt acts and crimes. Department of Justice officials are failing to enforce the rule of law. Deficiencies in early child development and education including: Stern parent instead of nurturing parent approach Competition instead of cooperation Pampering instead of child solving own problems Ostentatiousness Lack of understanding of: Semantics, linguistics, framing, communications, etc. Human nature, character, reasoning, ethics, values, principles, integrity, accountability, teamwork, courage, democracy, humane instincts including cooperation, civility, caring for others, etc. The U.S. Constitution, international treaties, rule of law, civil rights, meaning of sovereignty of the people, democratic processes, the legal system, restorative justice, etc. Individuals spending considerable time on electronic media (the average grade school student spends 6.5 hours per day) at the expense of socially interacting with each other, sports, exercising, etc. Negative traits: lack of empathy and compassion and vindictiveness, bullying, apathy and greed. Waste, abuse and fraud Corrupt acts by individual public servants Bureaucracy Deficiencies in democratic skills Lack of educational opportunities Personnel errors Lack of or improper education or training
50.7.1 Fromm’s Prescription for a Sane Society
In his book The Sane Society, Erich Fromm, the accomplished psychologist, sociologist and author provides his prescription for a sane society as one in which all aspects of life are interrelated and dedicated to the advancement of human life rather than material production and states: Change must be a simultaneous change in economic, education, political and cultural spheres. Changes restricted to one sphere are destructive of every change. For example, if we pass legislation to try to reform Wall Street and the “cultural sphere” of greed, “divisive politics and “money in politics” do not change, the reforms will not work. Also, almost everything is interrelated. We must end wars to have funds to have full employment so that when we release nonviolent offenders from our overcrowded prisons they can be gainfully employed and pay restitution to victims of their crimes. We all long for meaningful work. We must take the responsibility for the life of all men, and develop on an international scale a relative sharing of the wealth. This must lead eventually to forms of international co-operation and planning and to complete disarmament. Changes in ownership must be made to the extent to which they are necessary to create a community of work, and to prevent the profit motive from directing production into socially harmful directions. Note: The profit motive is already directing production into very harmful directions. Income [and wealth] must be equalized to the extent of giving everybody the material basis for a dignified life. Man's use by man must end, and economy must be become the servant for the development of man. Capitol must serve labor, things must serve life. In the economic sphere we need co-management of all who work in an enterprise, to permit their active and responsible participation. Workers should pick their own leaders In the political sphere, return to the town meetings, by creating thousands of small face-to-face groups, which are well informed, which discuss and whose decisions are integrated into a new "lower house." No change can be brought about by force. Fromm is correct. Change must be brought about by understanding and cooperation. Even if we could force change, reactionary forces would just get stronger and reverse the change.
50.7.2 Use a Common Vision Statement for All Humankind. Inputs for this composite vision statement includes in particular the substance of what 40 plus Occupy Wall Street activists and Michael Moore prepared and proposed as the movement's "vision statement" to the General Assembly of Occupy Wall Street
Common Vision Statement for All Humankind
We envision a truly free, permanently peaceful, prosperous, democratic, equitable and just world where all people:
• Are freed from the undue stress securing meaningful work at a living wage and obtaining the Necessities and Needs for a Decent Life
• Live in harmony, care for and cooperate with one another to solve problems
• Embrace principles of tolerance, respect for diversity and the differing views of others
• Value human needs over monetary gain, to ensure decent standards of living without which effective democracy is impossible
• Encourage one another to take personal and collective responsibility and participate in decision making
• Work together to reach and maintain this vision and have a peaceful, prosperous just world.
50.7.3 Everyone Work from a Set of Common Goals and Plans.
Common Goals
"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government." --Thomas Jefferson
The primary goals of this plan are to ensure:
• Secure employment opportunities doing meaningful work, at living wages are available for all
• Affordable necessities and needs for a decent life are available for all humankind now and in the future
• No involuntary layoffs will result from this strategic plan. Some transfers will be necessary but in general workers will be able to choose what work they do where and when.
• Both the public and private sector organized and dedicated to ensuring these goals are met in the most effective and efficient way possible, as outlined under UN SDG Target Action Plan-TAP12 Reform and Reorganize Congress and the Executive Department by Function and as necessary to be Effective and Efficient. For example the most effective and efficient way to provide healthcare is outlined in: TAP Provide Expanded, Improved, Comprehensive, Healthcare for All
These necessities and needs are based on:
• President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "economic bill of rights" proposed in his State of the Union Address on January 11, 1944,
• Abraham Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs theory” proposed by him in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation
• Erich Fromm’s prescription for a sane society, in his book The Sane Society as one “in which all aspects of life are interrelated and dedicated to the advancement of human life”
These Common Goals are for all today’s and future generations and must accommodate a growing U.S. and world population.
50.7.4 Make the Scope of the Movement “Global” and the Strategic Plan “Universal”
Strategic planning as used here is defined as "the science and art of overall planning and conduct of large-scale actions employing large numbers of people, organizations and resources to develop and implement plans to accomplish specific goals."
This USP will ultimately outline everything that must be done to accomplish its objectives, goals and have a peaceful, prosperous, just, sustainable world. It shows where the funds will come from to have such a world, eliminate deficit spending, pay off the national debt at a reasonable rate and prevent the economic collapse that many are predicting. It shows where the educated and trained workers will come from to help do the work. It proposes ways for us activist to get organized, prioritize and divide up the work and accomplished needed priority Actions. This is a huge undertaking.
This Strategic Plan is available and intended for use by everyone, in particular leaders of organizations and individuals interested in progress, change and reform and candidates for office who may use any or all parts of it in their platforms.
This version of the plan focuses primarily on the United States federal government, national institutions and corporations in particular and some international organizations. Since problems and potential solutions are similar at all levels of government, parallel movements and plans for cities, counties, states, other countries and the United Nations will be developed that mimic the USP beginning with Washington DC, arguably the most important city in the world.
Make the Scope of the Movement “Massive and Global” and the Strategic Plan “Universal”
Strategic planning as used here is defined as "the science and art of overall planning and conduct of large-scale actions employing large numbers of people, organizations and resources to develop and implement plans to accomplish specific goals."
The USP will ultimately outline everything that must be done to accomplish its objectives in its Common Agenda. It shows where the funds will come from to have such a world, eliminate deficit spending, pay off the national debt at a reasonable rate and prevent the economic collapse that many are predicting. It shows where the educated and trained workers will come from to help do the work. It proposes ways for us activist to get organized, prioritize and divide up the work and accomplished needed priority Actions. This is a huge undertaking.
This Strategic Plan is available and intended for use by everyone, in particular leaders of organizations and individuals interested in progress, change and reform and candidates for office who may use any or all parts of it in their platforms.
This version of the plan focuses primarily on the United States federal government, national institutions and corporations in particular and some international organizations. Since problems and potential solutions are similar at all levels of government, parallel movements and plans for cities, counties, states, other countries and the United Nations will be developed based on this Movement and Strategic Plan beginning with Washington DC, arguably the most important city in the world.
Once the kinks are worked out, individuals in states, cities, etc. will be encouraged to come up with their own parallel movements and plans throughout the country and ultimately the world, The sooner these plans are widely used and refinements fed back into it and becomes Global, the sooner we will be successful.
The value of working from a common, universal strategic plan, vision, goals and agenda are obvious.
the kinks are worked out, individuals in states, cities, etc. will be encouraged to come up with their own parallel movements and plans throughout the country and ultimately the world, The sooner these plans are widely used and refinements fed back into it and becomes Global, the sooner we will be successful.
The value of working from a common, universal strategic plan, vision, goals and agenda are obvious.
50.7.5 Accept No Excuse for Poverty or Wars
Poverty is not due to a lack of resources/funds or because people are lazy.
Accumulated knowledge and advances in science, technology, automation, computers, productivity, management, communications, education, training, health care, transportation, the internet and psychology, makes a permanently peaceful, prosperous, just world absolutely possible.
By working from a comprehensive strategic plan and listing and describing all of the above major elements of this plan and everything that needs to be done in one place with links to more detailed information, Actions can be prioritized, work can be divided up, duplicated efforts avoided and accomplishment of everything needed ensured. Also networking with others with similar interest and finding cooperative efforts is easier. For example, deteriorating roads and bridges can be repaired by an underemployed workforce using funds and human resources now being wasted on wars, occupations, unneeded offensive weapon systems and overseas bases. Also a progressive net worth property tax on corporations and individuals will both provide funds and decrease inequities.