UN SDG Target 4.7.1 & TAP #56
The Global Factual Education and Training Program to:
● Address major challenges: Wars, nuclear weapons, global warming and greed
● Inform, educate and promote:
○ Cooperation, human rights, equality, democracy and peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts
○ The Universal Strategic Plan for a Peaceful, Prosperous, Just World
○ Sustainable Development Goals, their Targets and the Green New Deal
(Updated July 21, 2021)
(This is a work in progress. Please provide comments/suggestions/additional actions to PeopleNow.org by email: info@peoplenow.org)
56 Training Plan
This plan will ensure we acquire the knowledge and skills needed to rapidly respond to major challenges, Inform, educate and promote cooperation, human rights, equality, democracy and peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts and help implement the sustainable development goals, their targets and the Green New Deal.
56.4 Actions: Develop Detailed Lesson Plans
56.2.1 As rapidly as possible, ensure that everyone acquires the knowledge and skills needed to promote general sustainable development and promote and have sustainable development in areas in which they are particularly interested for example sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
56.2.2 Provide the learning needed to rapidly implement the UN SDGs and Targets, Using the Universal Strategic Plan for a Permanently Peaceful, Prosperous, Just, Sustainable World described at www.PeopleNow.org.
56.3 Objectives This document outlines a plan to provide an information education and training program to:
56.3.1 To ensure we acquire the knowledge and skills needed to rapidly respond to major challenges, Inform, educate and promote cooperation, human rights, equality, democracy and peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts and help implement the sustainable development goals, their targets and the Green New Deal
56.3.2 As rapidly as possible, ensure all individuals acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development goals, including, among others, through education and training on: Sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, Human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and Appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
56.3.3 Provide the learning needed to rapidly implement the Using the Universal Strategic Plan for a Permanently Peaceful, Prosperous, Just, Sustainable World described at www.PeopleNow.org.
56.3.4 To improve knowledge, awareness and coordination of efforts of the thousands of organizations and individuals working on progress, change and reform
56.3.5 Informs and educates progressives and as many individuals as possible from the public and private sectors:
56.3.6 Describe Universal Strategic Plan For a Permanently Peaceful, Prosperous, Just, Sustainable World
56.3.7 How to get our public servants to act in the best interest of the people and accomplish comprehensive and lasting change and reform.
56.3.8 Do what George Lakoff, a cognitive scientist and a linguist, who “has been arguing over the past decade and a half that progressives need to build a communication system of their own to: (1) express the values they really believe in, (2) to communicate the truth, (3) to use their own values-based language to show the moral significance of those truths, and (4) avoid communicating conservative beliefs they do not hold, especially by
avoiding the language of conservatism. The article by Lakoff
reflects the failure of
progressives to do so.”
In addition to accomplishing the items Lakoff has outlined above, this system will:
56.3.9 Provide ways for individuals to ferret out meaningful information from the massive amounts of available information and be able to distinguish “spin” from truthful information without “censoring”.
56.3.10 Initially, information, education and training materials will be distributed and taught by/learned from YouTube, social websites, email, linked web sites, Wikipedia, , Facebook, Twitter, DVDs and public access TV. As soon as possible, improved ways to inform educate and train including advanced distributed learning methodologies and technologies including: Online learning, e-learning, virtual classrooms, etc. will be refined and employed. Concerns and challenges: the critical need for allying, change, education, reform and pragmatic solutions.
56.4 Actions: Develop Detailed Lesson Plans for the Following Areas
56.4.1 Elements of a Lesson Plan by TOMI PASTA
56.4.2 End the major challenges we face: Wars, nuclear weapons, global warming and greed
56.4.3 All the UN SDG Target Action Plans listed in Action Plan - AP45 Plan for the Public and Private Sectors to Rapidly Implement the UN Sustainable Development Goal Target Action Plans (TAPs) with the More Urgent Target Actions (TAs)
56.4.4 The Universal Strategic Plan For a Permanently Peaceful, Prosperous, Just, Sustainable World (USP)www.PeopleNow.org
56.4.5 www.PeopleNow.org
56.4.6 www.HumaneJustice.org
56.4.7 www.HumaneProsecutions.org
56.4.8 The Urgent Need for Change and Reform and Working Together.
56.4.9 One of the primary reasons of poverty: Hoarding by rich individual companies/corporation as outlined in the following: Description of The Problem of the 20th Century: Poverty in the Age of Abundance The Problem of the Twentieth Century Is It Need or Greed
56.4.10 Patriotic Millionaires explanation of the ways privileged self-interests influence the country’s legislative process: Patriotic Millionaires plan to use their unique position to: Expose the ways privileged self-interests influence the country’s legislative process. Highlight specific policies that best serve the interests of the majority and that can promptly reverse growing levels of economic disparity. Lessen the political influence for those whose sole credential is the ability to pay for it. The Patriotic Millionaires’ strategy relies primarily on public education. They seek to use their unique position to expose the ways privileged self-interests influence the country’s legislative process. They also highlight specific policies that best serve the interests of the majority and that can promptly reverse growing levels of economic disparity. Importance of cooperation over competition.
56.4.11 Framing, semantics, linguistics, communications, etc. The purpose/objectives of this training is to show how others have misled the public by the way they “frame” information and how this can be countered honestly with proper framing. The information for this training will come from Wikipedia and from books such as: “Tyranny of Words”, by Stuart Chase “Science and Sanity”, by Alfred Korzybski “Don’t Think of an Elephant”, by Professor George Lakoff, is the definitive handbook for understanding what happened in the 2004 election and communicating effectively about key issues facing America today and the antidote to the last forty years of conservative strategizing and the right wing's stranglehold on political dialogue in the United States. Author George Lakoff has become a key advisor to the Democratic party, helping them develop their message and frame the political debate. In this book Lakoff explains how conservatives think, and how to counter their arguments. He outlines in detail the traditional American values that progressives hold, but are often unable to articulate. Lakoff also breaks down the ways in which conservatives have framed the issues, and provides examples of how progressives can frame the debate. Lakoff's years of research and work with environmental and political leaders have been distilled into this essential guide, which can be used to show progressive and moderate activists how to think in terms of values instead of programs, and why people vote their values and identities, often against their best interests. For a comparison of “framing” as practiced by progressives and conservatives with regard to immigration please read the article “Framing Versus Spin” at http://www.rockridgeinstitute.org/research/lakoff/luntz
56.4.12 Human nature, character, ethics, values, principles, integrity, reasoning, accountability, cooperation, teamwork, common sense, courage, etc. Common Sense Adapt educational and other materials developed by other organizations, in particular the Department of Leadership, Ethics and Law at the Naval Academy the other service academies and the Center for Ethical Leadership at the Naval Academy for use in this part of this education program. In general, for someone to improve his ethics or character, he needs to better understand human nature and want to change. Human nature, as defined here as what we are conceived with, cannot be changed, but we can and need to understand it better. According to Alfred Adler:
The understanding of human nature is an enormous problem, whose solution has been the goal of our culture since time immemorial. It is not a science that should be pursued by a few specialists only. Its proper objective must be the understanding of human nature by every human being.
This program is intended to acquaint the general public with the fundamentals of Individual Psychology, demonstrate the practical application of certain principles to the conduct of our everyday relationships with the world and our fellow human beings, point out how the misguided behavior of the individual affects the harmony of our social and communal life; to teach individuals to recognize their own mistakes; and, to show them how to adjust harmoniously to their social environment. Mistakes in business and science are costly and deplorable, but mistakes in the way we live our lives may endanger life itself. About the Beechers and the Beecher Foundation:
The late Willard and Marguerite Beecher had more than eighty years of combined professional experience as renowned Adlerian psychologists and authors. Primary concepts they taught included self-reliance - everyone standing on their own two feet, cooperation instead of competition and "common sense" is "sense of community." They viewed most behavioral problems as bad habits which could mostly be resolved with group therapy and did not see the need for deep psychological therapy. The foundation was established by the Beechers. The mission of the foundation includes keeping their four books in print for future generations.
The four books of Willard & Marguerite Beecher, which can be read online, are: Beyond Success and Failure: Ways to self-reliance and maturity The Sin of Obedience The Mark of Cain: An Anatomy of Jealousy Parents on the Run: The Need for Discipline in Parent-Child and Teacher-Child Relationships
c) Lessons
(1) Ways to Self Reliance Introduction to the Book Beyond Success and Failure: Ways to Self Reliance and Maturity by Willard and Marguerite Beecher
(2) The Problem of the Twentieth Century
1. Beecher, Willard and Marguerite, "The Problem of the Twentieth Century", Chapter 5, of the book Sin of Obedience by Willard and Marguerite Beecher, 1981, Willard and Marguerite Beecher Foundation. This outstanding essay provides a brief economic history of humankind and clearly shows why "Poverty in the Midst of Plenty" was the problem of the 20th Century and is now the problem of the 21st Century. Everyone should read The Sin of Obedience and the other Beecher books which are published by and can be ordered from the WM Beecher Foundation Inc, PO Box 833027, Richardson TX 75083, Web Site http://www.willardmargueritebeecher.org or by calling: 972 863-3507. "The Problem of the Twentieth Century" is reproduced here with permission of WM Beecher Foundation, Inc. Lessons Ways to Self Reliance Introduction to the Book Beyond Success and Failure: Ways to Self Reliance and Maturity by Willard and Marguerite Beecher
56.4.13 Democracy The reading assignment for the lesson “Democracy” is Chapter 4 of Sin of Obedience entitled Democracy
56.4.14 The Constitution, International Treaties, Civil Rights, Laws, Sovereignty of the People, Democratic Process, Legal System, etc.
Since the public has a very limited knowledge of the US Constitution, international treaties and others laws, our objective is to educate people on for example the following: what "the law" means, what "due process" is, what "null and void" means, how inviolate our rights are, that it is illegal to arrest and hold anyone even terrorists without warrants, that the US cannot "opt out" of the Geneva Convention, interrogate POWs, abuse prisoners, etc. SDG Goal 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Target 4.7: As rapidly as possible, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture's contribution to sustainable development
This training will help improve this situation. The Memorandum of Law, which is provided separately provides insights into and educational material on the Constitution and other Laws, International Treaties and Conventions, etc.
56.5.1 Basic Principles Honest information If a mistake or misstatement is made, it should be corrected immediately Listen to the opinions of others Reiterative, constant feedback