Rapidly Implementing the UN SDG and their Targets Worldwide
By far the biggest and most important initiative in the world ever
TAP 46
Plan to Make Preparations to Implement
All UN SDG Targets as Target Action Plan (TAPs)
“By far the most significant initiative in the world ever”
(Updated June 4, 2017)
This plan is for the public and private sectors to collaborate, and implement UN Sustainable
Development Goal (SDG) Target Action Plans (TAPs) and Target Actions (TAs)
in the most
effective and efficient ways possible and to develop TAPs for all Targets for which TAPs have
not yet been developed.
Attachment A of the Common Agenda provides a Glossary of Terms and Description of the Standard Numbering System for UN SDG and USP Documents
Urgent TAs will be implemented first.
The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), their 169 Targets and the 43 Target Action Plans (TAPs) and the Universal Strategic Plan (USP) for a permanently peaceful, prosperous, just, sustainable World are described beginning on
All 194 countries of the world, including the U.S., have agreed to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their Targets. Developed countries, including the U.S., have agreed to help undeveloped countries implement the UN SDGs and Targets in their countries.
Applicable parts of PeopleNow.orgs documents, which was prepared primarily for the U.S. and the U.S. Federal government, will be replicated for use in parallel plans in cities, counties, states, other nations, the United Nations and its related organizations. Lessons learned from the replicated plans will be fed back into this plan.
Accomplishing this plan will end the use of nuclear weapons, wars, violence, conflicts, poverty, hunger, inequalities, etc. and provide clean water, nutritious food, decent housing, quality health care, full employment at guaranteed living wages, clean energy, equal justice for all and much more for everyone in the world.
In his book, The Sane Society, Eric Fromm states: "Change must be a simultaneous change in economic, education, political and cultural spheres. Changes restricted to one sphere are destructive of every change."
For example, when wars are permanently ended and most of the millions of military personnel and manufacturers of weapons, munitions, combat ships and aircraft in the DOD-MIC are no longer needed, there must be:
• Honest, caring, dedicated legislators who will pass the necessary legislation and vacate unnecessary legislation
• A like-minded president who will ensure the laws are faithfully and fairly executed
• Funding for full employment
• Full employment and jobs at living wages for everyone and for each person as they become available or not needed in their current positions
• Work to be done e.g. providing the needs and necessities of life for all and mitigating global warming and its effects
• Training as necessary
• An educated, understanding public
• Public servants, reform-minded individuals and organizations to plan and do the work
Otherwise as Fromm predicts releasing DOD-MIC personnel without planning will:
• Increase unemployment
• Drive down wages
• Destroy efforts to find jobs for released nonviolent offenders and immigrant asylum seekers
• Destroy efforts to enact liberal-labor-reform and immigration-reform legislation, etc.
This does not mean that wars should not be ended immediately. It does mean, that we must collaborate and work together from the same set of comprehensive plans plan ahead and adjust as the situation changes.
Section 2.1 and 2.2 covers permanently disabling all nuclear weapons ending all wars, air and drone strikes, conflicts, occupations, use of-force, disarming, demilitarizing, converting MIC to Co-ops to provide .
Section 2. calls for putting everyone to work at living wages in particular to get everyone self-sufficient as rapidly as possible and combat global warming/climate change
Section 2.4 and 2.5 outlines funds and donations source to implement the SDG Target Action Plans (TAPs) and how excessive wealth inequalities will be reduced.
Sections 2.6 through 2.10 deal primarily with enforcing the rule of law and ensuring everyone has their guaranteed human rights and civil liberties
Funding and donations necessary for implementing the UN SDGs are covered in section 2.4
TAP46 Organize, Educate, Plan and Prepare for Rapid Implementation of the UN SDG TAPs. Complete planning and make the preparations necessary to rapidly implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Target Action Plans (TAPs)
1.1 Request progressive organizations take the lead on appropriate elements of each UN SDG Target Action Plan and the Universal Strategic Plan (USP), collaborate and work in parallel from the common set of plans.
1.2 Develop a budget to accomplish this plan
1.3 USP Section 50.4: Complete Planning to Accelerate Implementation of the UN SDG TAPs. In particular:
1.3.1 Establish an office in the Washington DC Area co-located with or near a progressive organization to coordinate not manage refining and implementing the UN SDG TAPs
1.3.2 Refine the 43 existing TAPs in the various stages of development and prepare them for implementation
1.3.3 Identify and sequence urgent target actions (TAs Develop and Continually Refine, Maintain and Implement the Following Major Elements of the USP: The entire USP, Associated Websites and the Common Agenda of the TAPS The Summary of the Necessities and Needs for a Decent Life The Summary of Employment Opportunities and those seeking jobs, both arranged by nine digit ZIP codes
1.3.4 Develop Target Action Plans for all remaining UN SDG targets
1.3.5 Prepare a Plan for and Launch a Public Relations (PR), Social and other Media Campaign for the SDG’s, Targets, TAPs, the USP and Partner Organizations
1.3.6 Establish an Advisory Board for the Universal Strategic Plan and Working Groups for each of the TAPs Major Elements of the USP in particular to ensure all the elements and actions of the Universal Strategic Plan and the TAPs are honest with no spin and that it helps all people and not just a selected few
1.3.7 TAP 35 Prioritize Using Mindful Thinking and Doing Holistically, Engaging and Mobilizing New Voices and Constituencies, Strengthening Capacity of and Collaboration Among Organizations and Individuals Engaged in Progressive Issues. Ensure that the public and private sectors are informed and educated about the importance of this and encouraged to use it.
1.3.8 Organize by nine digit zip code using TAP 55 Continue Building and Maintaining the Global Matrix Network (GMN) of Individuals, Organizations, Miscellaneous Locations and Events with Each’s Nine Digit Zip Codes, which Provides the Neighborhood, Community, City, State, and Political Districts of Each. This will help form the base of the “nonpartisan activist force” that Chomsky recommends. Maintain listings of potential partner movements, organizations and individuals in the Global Matrix Network (GMN)
1.3.9 Educate everyone using TAP56 Build The Global Factual Information and Education Program to Promote Sustainable Development and Implementation of the UN SDG Targets Action Plans (TAPs), Provide Online, Short Videos about Each Element of the USP and Each TAP solicit inputs, determine how we can work together better and request organizations to consider taking the lead on specific UN SDG Target Action Plans and elements of the USP.
1.3.10 TAP23 Integrate other meaningful, proposed causes or systemic changes into related, existing TAPS and/or develop entirely new TAPs as the need be. This includes the of The Zeitgeist Movement - “Natural Law/Resource-Based Economy" (NLRBE), The Venus Project, The Next System Project - New Systems: Possibilities and Proposals and other similar programs and projects.
1.4 Help others implement any of the projects that they are working on that they desire. This would be done by finding UN SDG Targets that match their projects and help them develop Target Action Plans (TAPs) and make the developed UN SDG Targets & TAPs part of the Common Agenda. This would help then collaborate with other and ensure that their projects are implemented quickly and worldwide and at a lower cost so that more projects can be accomplished.
1.5 Anyone working on a significant cause or with ideas for a needed cause not already included in this plan are encouraged to add it to an existing TAP or develop an entirely new TAP so that it can be implemented worldwide.
1.6 TAP34 Develop and Implement Parallel Movements and Plans for Cities, Countries, States, Other Nations and the United Nations that Replicate Applicable Parts of the Plan to Implement the SDG TAPS and the Universal Strategic Plan beginning with Washington D.C.
2 Numerous Co-Ops to manufacture the systems, materials and goods to help people become self-sufficient and combat global warming