The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
“By far the most important initiative and best opportunity for reform in the world ever”
UN SDG Action Plan - AP 45
Plan for the Public and Private Sectors to Rapidly
Implement the more urgent UN SDG Target Action Plans (TAPs)
(Updated January 23, 2023)
Note: Please forward proposed corrections, refinements and additions to this document to
PeopleNow.org by email: info@peoplenow.org
PeopleNow.org has developed about 42 Draft UN SDG Target Action Plans (TAPs) to implement the more urgent SDG Targets which covers about one third of the 169 SDG Targets. Many of these TAPs need refining and changes will routinely need to be made to them as they are implemented and situations change.
For additional information about the UN SDGs, TAPs, TAs, and the USP, please go to
Table of Contents
Paragraphs Target Action Plans (TAPs) that:
45.1 through 45.3.5 Permanently eliminate nuclear weapons, end all wars, conflicts, etc. disarm. demilitarize and strengthen, fully fund the United Nations, establish a Global Peacekeeping, Security and Law Enforcement System and settle all disputes and conflicts by peaceful means.
45.4 through Provide jobs for everyone primarily to become self sufficient, have all the needs and necessities of life, reverse global warming and mitigate it adverse effects in particular climate change.
45.5 through Outlines a budget of rough estimates of costs and sources of funds required to run the government, implement the UN SDGs, end deficit spending, pay down the bona fide parts of the national debt and provide equality in the United States and plans to reform taxes and financial systems.
45.8 through 45.14 Ensure we have a very effective and efficient worldwide legal system, reform criminal justice and prisons, have an enforced rule of law, guarantee human rights and civil liberties for all, fix America’s gun laws, end the war on drugs and vacate as null and void unconstitutional statues and court rulings.
45.13 and higher Miscellaneous Target Action Plans (TAPs).
45.24 and higher
UN SDG Goals with all their targets listed as objectives. These will be broken down into individual TAPs.
45 Implement UN SDG TAPs and TAs and USP documents as rapidly as possible in a logical, orderly, holistic fashion using whatever procedures are necessary e.g. emergency injunctions:
End Wars, Disarm, Demilitarize and Strengthen the UN
45.1 TAP18 End all wars and nuclear weapons permanently
• Permanently end all wars, use of nuclear weapons, conflicts, occupations, threats of or use of force, violence, sanctions, CIA operations, etc.
• Sincerely apologize and pay reparations to individuals and countries harmed by the United States.
• Turnover selective overseas bases, facilities and personnel to the UN and its affiliates to establish a global peacekeeping, security and law enforcement system.
• Bring all troops, CIA personnel and offensive weapons from all over the world back to the U.S.
• Settle all disputes and conflicts by pacific means.
45.2 TAP19 Permanently disarm, demilitarize and convert the MIC to support the implementation of the SDGs:
• Have the UN outlaw all offensive weapons and military forces internationally and have all countries immediately disarm and phase out all military forces
• Phase out NATO, the CIA and other intelligence agencies
• Convert most of the DoD-MIC into co-ops to produce products to help implement SDG TAPs
• Eliminate all funding for nuclear weapons and cancel nuclear weapon modernization and all other nuclear weapon programs.
45.3 TAP20 Reform, Strengthen, Fully Fund and Support the United Nations and its Related Organizations:
• Establish a Global Peacekeeping, Security and Law Enforce System, to Make and Enforce International Laws and Help Settle Conflicts and Disputes by Pacific Means
• Refine the UN SDGs and their Targets, Make them Mandatory and Rapidly Implement them
• Do Not Make the UN a World Government
• Eliminate the veto power of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council
Jobs for All Eradicating Poverty and Reversing Global Warming
45.4 TAP 1 Put everyone including the under-employed and unemployed, refugees, migrants, prisoners, young people and persons with disabilities, etc., to work at decent work and living income, in particular, collaborating and working together implementing the SDGs, in particular TAPs 25 and 41 below.
• Reverse Global Warming:
• Reduce green house gases in particular carbon dioxide emissions
• Increase green house gas removal
• Implement SDG Goal 13 - Provide reliable, clean renewable energy for everyone and everything possible
• Eliminate all open fires, forests, tundra, wildfires, etc.
• Mitigate adverse effects of Global Warming as appropriate:
• Prevent the extinction of as many life forms as possible
• Reduce the amount of human migrations and species relocations and facilitate where necessary
• Decrease ocean level rising by decreasing land ice that is melting into the ocean
• Strengthen structures and homes
• Pipe water to drought areas
• Provide enhanced heating and cooling
• Redistribute cold ocean water and icebergs to areas where cooling is needed
• Develop an OTC system to reduce ocean surface temperatures and ocean acidification
45.4.2 TAP41 Eradicate all poverty. Ensure everyone has a basic living income, basic assets including a decent dwelling and savings and all the needs and necessities for a decent life and becomes self-sufficient. Implementing the TAPs in Paragraphs through 45.2.10 below provide all the needs and necessities for a decent life. TAP2 Provide safe, nutritious and sufficient food for all and end hunger. TAP42 Provide safe and affordable drinking water and sanitation and hygiene for all as rapidly as possible TAP6 Ensure decent, resilient, sustainable dwellings for all TAP3 Provide universal, comprehensive, quality healthcare for all
• Ensure everyone has publicly supported, comprehensive, universal healthcare as rapidly as possible and ensure well being for all
• Pay doctors, nurses, healthcare officials, etc. salaries commensurate with their responsibilities, skills, education and experience
• Fully fund and help resolve the COVID-19 pandmeic including vaccinating everyone worldwide as rapidly as possible
• Phase out all government funds being used to buy health insurance
• Entire Government jointly negotiate prices of drugs, bandages, durable medical equipment, tools, etc.
• Build approximately 1000 new modern hospitals and clinics, equipped with the latest technologies TAP44 Provide reliable, clean, renewable energy for everyone TAP5 Provide quality child care, pre-k through a college education and vocational, job readiness and literacy training for everyone
Please note implementing the above 10 TAPs and ensuring every one every country will improve health, education, productivity, etc. And save trillion of dollars per year.
Develop an Overall Budget and Reform Taxes and Financial Systems
45.5 TAP31 Budget of estimated costs and sources of funds to:
• Operate the government
• Cease borrowing
• Pay down the bona fide parts of the national debt
• Rapidly implement the UN SDGs and Green New Deal
45.6 TAP32 Reform taxes and have equality for all:
• Enact a flat percentage net assets tax on all individuals, corporations, businesses and other entities with reasonable taxation thresholds.
• Provide generous tax deductions based on the worthiness of the charitable contributions by the taxpayer.
• Phase out income, sales, payroll, estate, corporate and all other taxes and fees except the net assets tax.
• Phase out ownership of money, land and all natural resources by any entity other than people and co-ops of people with reasonable limits on each that any individuals may own.
• Remove all tax loopholes.
• Ensure reasonable net asset equality in the U.S. and ultimately inside and among all countries
45.7 TAP22 Reform Financial Systems
Plans to Have Humane Justice
45.8 TAP27 Reform legal systems, enforce the rule of law and ensure justice for all
45.9 TAP30 Humane Private Prosecutions:
• See TAP29 Humane Criminal Justice for the procedures regarding preventing the spread of COVID-19 during humane private prosecutions
• Prevent crimes
• Provide timely and continuing care for victims of crimes
• End all bail bonds
• End and replace all punishments with restitution to be paid to victim(s) and fines, civil forfeitures, and/or community service while ensuring all their rights are protected
• Have qualified mental health clinicians examine the records of all alleged lawbreakers and have those that are dangerous to themselves or others arrested and interviewed. Virtually interview all other lawbreakers.
• Provided all lawbreakers with individual, personalized rehabilitation plans which include amount of restitution to be paid to their victim(s) and fines, civil forfeitures, and/or community service as appropriate.
• Release those who can safely be released ensuring that they have a job and the necessities for a decent life
• Provide those that cannot safely be released jobs at living wages in co-ops and kept under supervision and/or committed until they can safely be released
• Treat all victims and alleged lawbreakers with kindness and sympathy
45.10 TAP29 Humane Criminal Justice:
• To end the spread of COVID-19 in prisons and jails, Congress, as rapidly as possible:
• Implement nationwide universal federal regulations and provide necessary accommodations including for example, a strict mask mandate, temperature checks, mobile hand washing stations, social distancing rules, etc. in prisons, jails, hospitals, etc. and public buildings
• Conduct questioning of detainees, arraignments, trials, hearings, etc. virtually.
• Have mental health professionals examine everyone incarcerated in all federal, state, county and city prisons and jails
• Provide each of the incarcerated individual rehabilitation plans which include amount of restitution to be paid to their victim(s), fines, civil forfeitures, and/or community service
• Release those who can safely be released ensuring that they have a job and the necessities for a decent life
• Provide others jobs at living wages in co-ops and keep them under supervision and/or committed until they can safely be released
45.13 TAP13 Vacate as Null and Void, Set Aside, Repeal, Replace or Amend All or Portions Of Unconstitutional, Unjust and/or Injurious Laws and Repair the Damages Caused by these Laws. This will reinstate Glass-Steagall, other finance regulations, etc.
45.14 TAP14 Vacate as null and void Citizens United and Scores of Other Unconstitutional Court Rulings without Amending the Constitution and Repair the Damages Caused by these Rulings. This will reinstate election financing/donation control legislation.
Miscellaneous Target Action Plans
45.24 TAP80 Generate Renewable Electrical Energy, Cool Ocean Surface Temperatures and Help Increase Ocean Alkalinization Primarily Using OTEC.
45.26 TAP82 Prevent the Water from the Melting Arctic and Greenland Ground Ice and Glaciers from Melting into the Ocean
The following is a list of all 17 of the UN SDGs with all their targets listed as objectives.
45.28 SDG 1 - Doc 77 End Poverty in all its forms everywhere
45.29 SDG 2 - Doc 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
45.30 SDG 3 - Doc 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
45.31 SDG 4 - Doc 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
45.32 SDG 5 - TAP48 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
45.33 SDG 6 - Doc 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
45.34 SDG 7 - Doc 7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
45.35 SDG 8 - Doc 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
45.36 SDG 9 - Doc 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
45.37 SDG 10 - Doc 10 Ensure equality within and among countries
45.38 SDG 11 - Doc 49 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
45.39 SDG 12 - Doc 76 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
45.40 SDG 13 - Doc 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
45.41 SDG 14 - Doc 75 Conserve and sustainably use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
45.42 SDG 15 - Doc 47 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
45.43 SDG 16 - Doc 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
45.44 SDG 17 - Doc 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize
the global partnership for sustainable development
45.45 Implement all other and new TAPs and TAs as rapidly as possible as they are developed.