Implementing the UN SDGs and Green New Deal
“By far the most important initiative and best opportunity for reform in the world ever”
UN SDG Targets 10.3 & 17.3 - Target Action Plan 31
TAP 31 Budget of estimated costs and sources of funds to:
• Operate the government
• Cease borrowing
• Pay down the bona fide parts of the national debt
• Rapidly implement the UN SDGs and Green New Deal which will help:
• Provide jobs, healthcare, homes and all the other needs and necessities for a decent life for all.
• End wars, use of nuclear weapons, conflicts, sanctions, poverty, hunger, oligarches, elites and dictators control over countries and international institutions, etc.
• Reverse global warming and mitigate its adverse effects in particular harsh climate change
• Resolve the coronavirus pandemic
(Revised June 24, 2020)
Please send proposed refinements and proved additional recommended, potential funding sources
by email to info@peoplenow.org
“The Age of Abundance is upon us. Man need never again go hungry or cold. The whole world
now has the capability to support itself free from want and almost free from disease
31 Budget of estimated costs and sources of funds
31.1.1 This Target Action Plan must be carefully planned and phased in gradually. Some items such as healing the sick, feeding the poor and housing the homeless must be funded and implemented immediately.
31.1.2 It outline rough estimates of costs, funding sources, donations and cost avoidance measures to fund federal government operations, end deficit spending, pay down the national debt and rapidly implement the Green New Deal and the UN SDGs and help end all the crises we face. Coronavirus Wars, nuclear weapons, conflicts, sanctions, etc. Global warming and climate change Poverty, unemployment, hunger, homelessness, lack of healthcare, etc. Oligarch, elites, dictators and their supporters controlling governments Ensure reasonable net asset and income equality within and among countries.
Table of Contents
To identify and outline the necessary significant sources of funding, donations and cost avoidance measures to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs and their Targets and eliminate excessive inequality within the U.S. and among the U.S. and developing countries.
31.3.1 Implement: SDG Target 17.3 “Mobilize additional financial resources for the U.S. and developing countries from multiple sources” SDG Target 10.b Encourage official development assistance and financial flows, including foreign direct investment, to States where the need is greatest, in particular least developed countries, African countries, small island developing States and landlocked developing countries, in accordance with their national plans and programmes
31.3.2 Provide a summary of estimated costs, potential funding and donation and their sources and cost avoidance measures that clearly shows there are more than sufficient funds to: Fully fund the rapid implementation of the UN SDG TAPs in the U.S. and in developing countries End deficit spending, pay down the national debt and end recessions and economic collapses forever Eliminate deficit spending. Pay down and eliminate the need to increase the limit on the national debt. End sequestration, all austerity programs, recessions and the possibility of a depression.
31.3.3 Debunk the notions that there must be austerity programs, cuts in social programs, medicare and social security and shows that inciting fear over debt reduction and the fiscal cliff is a “Trojan Horse” to provide cover to reducing/eliminating medicare and social security and decrease corporation taxes even more.
31.4.1 Fiscal year federal budget are normally about $4.5 trillion which includes about $370 billion interest on the National Debt and Military spending budgeted at $900 billion. The Federal government normally receives about $3.422 trillion in revenue. This normally requires borrowing about a trillion dollars a year.
31.4.2 Implementation of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Green New Deal, which are severely underfunded, will require trillions of dollars to help end the following crises: Coronavirus Wars, nuclear weapons, conflicts, sanctions, etc. Global warming and climate change Poverty, unemployment, hunger, homelessness, lack of healthcare, etc. Resolving the unemployment crisis is particularly important - 1 in 4 U.S. workers - 44 million people - are now unemployed or under-employed, according to the Washington Post. It will require about 2.3 $trillion to get the 44 million workers fully employed Oligarch, elites, dictators and their supporters controlling governments
31.4.3 For example a billion people in the world are living on less than $2 dollars a day. They each need a total of $12 a day of donated property and up-front surge funding to quickly become self-sufficient and reverse global warming. That will be about $10 billion a day. The U.S. has pledged $100 billion through 2030. That will last about 10 days just for the poorest.
31.4.4 There are 3.7 billion people living on less than $4 a day.
31.4.5 The estimated cost/value of the up-front surge funding and donations to rebuild and harden the U.S. Gulf Coast and the Caribbean is $500 billion.
31.4.6 The estimated cost to implement the UN SDG TAPs in developing countries worldwide is $700 billion to $1.2 trillion per month depending upon how fast the funds and donations can be provided and used wisely.
31.4.7 Rough estimate of additional funds and donations required is $1.6 trillion per month. This will decrease rapidly as individuals, families and communities become self-sufficient. The faster this is accomplished, the less the total cost will be.
31.5 Primary sources of funds. Funds are readily available to pay for all this and we know where they are - they are concentrated in the very large corporations/companies and in the 1%.
31.5.1 Provide fair, effective taxation by implementing TAP32 This will reduce the cost of tax collections by over 90%, jumpstart the economy, decrease the wealth divide and help provide the necessities of life to everyone
31.5.2 Reform financial systems by implementing TAP 22 which identifies over $30 trillion of taxes owed, civil forfeitures, fines, penalties, etc. If our government can recover only one-half or one-third of the $30 trillion, we will be able to rapidly help resolve all the crises we face.
31.6 Cost avoidance measures Implementing the SDGs. Savings are annotated in Action Plan - AP45 Plan for the Public and Private Sectors to Rapidly Implement the Green New Deal and UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target Action Plans (TAPs). Salient items include:
31.6.1 Replace the Affordable Health Care for America Act with Target Action Plan TAP3
Provide universal, quality, comprehensive healthcare and ensure well being for all with doctors, nurses, healthcare officials, etc. paid guaranteed living wages. This will save over $500 billion annually by negotiating pharmaceutical, equipment and material costs and from decreased admin costs and insurance company overhead and profits. Vacate as Null and Void the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and
Modernization Act of 2003, which prohibits the Government from negotiating prices of
prescription drugs and established a very complicated, expensive management
system. Recover/disgorge as much as possible of the unnecessary costs of at least
$240 billion over the past six years. As of February 2009, the projected net cost of the
program over the 2006 to 2015 time period was $549.2 billion
(TAP14) Reprogram excess current spending, appropriations and budgets resulting from efforts under Reform and Organize Congress and the Executive Department by Function - Responsibility and eliminate duplicated and unnecessary functions and waste, fraud and abuse. Expose and block the CEO Campaign to ‘Fix' the Debt: a Trojan Horse for massive corporate tax breaks. (Old) Obtain disgorgement of profits and revenues from financial crimes and unethical acts. This is not punishment and can be exercised by demand or by order of a judge. Reduce high level public servant pay scales by amounts proportional to the amount of salary and change Government employment pay increases for inflation to fixed amounts instead of basing them on a percentage of pay. Eliminate pure patronage appointments. Pay debts as they come due and end government shutdowns, the need to raise the debt ceiling, deficit spending, sequestration and austerity programs, pay down the national debt and avoid an economic collapse.