
Implementing the UN SDGs

 “By far the most important initiative and best opportunity for reform in the world ever”


UN SDG Target 16.1.2 & Target Action Plan #18

TAP 18 End all wars, conflicts, occupations, nuclear weapons and use of force permanently:

  Permanently end all wars, occupations, nuclear weapons, conflicts, occupations, threats of or use of force, violence, etc., which are all illegal.

  Sincerely apologize and pay reparations to individuals and countries harmed by the United States.                                                                      

  Turnover selective overseas bases, facilities and personnel to the UN and its affiliates to establish a global peacekeeping, security and law enforcement system.

  Bring all troops, CIA personnel and offensive weapons from all over the world back to the U.S.

  Settle all disputes and conflicts by peaceful means.

(Updated September 9, 2022)

(This is a work in progress. Please provide comments/suggestions/additional actions to PeopleNow.org by email: info@PeopleNow.org)


18 End all wars and nuclear weapons permanently


18.1  Introduction and Legal Principles


18.1.1 Nuclear weapons, wars, conflicts, occupations, drone attacks, bombings, assassinations, covert operations, the war on terror, threats of or use of force and most sanctions are all illegal under The Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 (officially the General Treaty for Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy) which as a ratified treaty of the U.S. is legally binding international law and part of the Supreme Law of the land. In this treaty the United States and the other High Contracting Parties of the Pact agreed:


“Article 1

The High Contracting Parties solemnly declare in the names of their respective peoples that they condemn recourse to war for the solution of international controversies, and renounce it, as an instrument of national policy in their relations with one another.


Article 2

The High Contracting Parties agree that the settlement or solution of all disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them, shall never be sought except by pacific means.”          The U.S. Constitution provides that “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States. ... . and all Treaties. ... .shall be the supreme Law of the Land;          This treaty makes waging wars illegal and requires the settlement of all disputes and conflicts be by peaceful means.          This treaty was used as the legal basis for the charges of crimes against peace, for which the Nuremberg Tribunal and Tokyo Tribunal tried, jailed and/or executed leaders responsible for World War II.          It would have been infinitely better, if all offensive weapons had been outlawed and phased out when the Kellogg-Briand Pact was enacted. We must do this immediately as outlined in TAP19 Permanently disarm and demilitarize.          Nuclear weapons are illegal. If anyone or a country attacks another country with a nuclear weapon, the country may defend itself, but it would be unlawful for the country to counterattack with a nuclear weapon because it would not be pacific means to settle the dispute or conflict as required by the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928. If a nuclear weapon were used to counterattack, it would also violate many other laws including killing civilians and destroying prohibited structures and properties, e.g. hospitals, clinics and schools. It would also be counterproductive to fire back because it would pollute the world with radioactive materials. It also might result in a large exchange of nuclear weapons that could destroy civilization and ultimately even all human life.


18.1.2 The Charter of the United Nations, a ratified treaty of the U.S. and legally binding international law:          Requires in Article 2, Paragraph 4: “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.          States in Article 51: “Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.”          The Charter of the United Nations enhanced Kellogg-Briand by prohibiting “the threat of the use of force.”


18.1.3 The Constitution of the United States in Article I, Section 8 states: “The Congress shall have the Power To declare War” but has not had this power since the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928. Congress cannot legally authorize the President or anyone to use any force.          All three War Power Laws have been null and void since their inception including:       The War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1541-1548, enacted November 7, 1973)       The Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40; U.S.C. 1541 enacted September 18, 2001),        The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq (Pub.L. 107–243, 116 Stat. 1498, enacted October 16, 2002)          All the wars and use of force in the world by the U.S. since 1929 have been and are illegal. This includes the occupation of Afghanistan, the bombings in Yemen and Syria, drone attacks, military and CIA covert operations, providing weapons used in offensive operations by governments or rebel groups, the worldwide War on Terror, any threat of or use of force and sanctions.          If the President or anyone ordered a nuclear weapon or weapons to be used, it would be an unlawful order and must be disobeyed. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) 809[890]. ART.90 (20) makes it clear that military personnel have an obligation to disobey all unlawful orders, including unlawful orders by the president. Unlawful orders include those that do not comply with the UCMJ, the U.S. Constitution, numerous national and international law or an order for someone to commit a crime. Also obeying an unlawful order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it under national, international law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders, if the order was unlawful.          Vote by a legislator to authorize the president to use force, to declare war or to authorize or appropriate money for a war is a violation of the law.          The President ordering an attack, bombs, uses drones to wage wars or uses force against Syria, Iran or any country in the world is a violation of the law.


18.1.4 The Geneva Conventions and the Hague Regulations, both ratified by the U.S. are, along with the U.S. Constitution, the supreme law of the Land and require, among other things:          The people of the occupied country and prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated. The legal definition of "humane" is: Kind, tender, compassionate. Disposed to eliminate the cause of suffering of man or beast.          An occupying power must take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.          An occupying country is required to ensure functioning electricity, potable running water, safe streets, and that the necessities of life are provided and is not permitted to make changes in the country's law beyond those necessary to meet these obligations.                


18.1.5 In the 1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), a ratified treaty of the U.S. and legally binding international law, the U.S. Government agreed among other things “to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament.”


18.1.6 The reasons the World Trade Center and Pentagon were attacked according to Michael Scheuer a former CIA intelligence officer in his book Imperial Hubris, which was published in 2004, was to retaliate for what we [American leaders and corporation executives] do rather than for what we are and what we think. Islamists are not offended by the Western world’s democratic freedoms, civil liberties, and separation of church and state as our leaders tell us. Scheuer also wrote in his book Imperial Hubris that the other reasons the Pentagon and WTC were attacked included:


           “U.S. support for apostate, corrupt, and tyrannical Muslim governments.


           U.S. and other Western troops on the Arabian Peninsula.


           U.S. support for Israel that keeps Palestinians in the Israelis' thrall.


           U.S. pressure on Arab energy producers to keep oil prices low.


           U.S. occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.


           U.S. support for Russia, India, and China against their Muslim militants.”


18.1.7 All of the wars and conflicts the U.S. has been involved in since at least 1929 have been illegal, immoral, unnecessary and a waste of lives and resources.


18.1.8 We have not applied lessons learned from previous wars.


18.1.9 Large weapons such as ships. and bases are sitting ducks and easily destroyed


18.1.10           It is impossible to indefinitely prevent nuclear weapon attacks and attacks by determined terrorists.


18.1.11           The U.S. by some of its actions generating more terrorists and hurting not helping National Security. There is no way to defend against determined terrorists.        


18.1.12           No country or its people have the right or legal power to attack or meddle in another country’s affairs


18.1.13           TAP18 must be part of a larger plan that covers every significant issue which means we should implement all the UN SDGs.


18.1.14           Additional pertinent information is provided in the slightly dated A Summary of the U. S. Illegal Wars and Use of Force in the Mideast.        



18.1    Introduction and Legal Principles


18.2     Purpose


18.3    Objectives


18.4    Actions. The President assisted by civilian and military officials rapidly take the following actions

                       18.4.1 Lead efforts to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals Target Action Plans (TAPs).

           18.4.2 Eliminate all nuclear weapons and funding for nuclear weapons and cancel nuclear weapon modernization and all other nuclear weapon programs

                       President Biden immediately lift all trade and economic sanctions and re-enter the Iran nuclear deal also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

                       Negotiate with all nuclear armed nations to immediately end the use of all nuclear weapons which are illegal under the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 and the Charter of the United Nations.

                       Immediately begin complying with, sign, ratify and rigorously implement the “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” which went into effect on January 22, 2021.

                       Permanently disarm all U.S. nuclear weapons, put them under the joint control of the U.S. and UN, return them all to the continental US, end reliance on the deterrence theory of "mutually assured destruction" as a deterrent and encourage all other countries to do likewise

                       18.4.3 End all wars, conflicts, use of force, drone attacks, bombings, covert operations, war on terror, occupations, government hacking and resolve all conflicts and disputes by pacific and legal means, diplomacy and negotiations

           18.4.4 Immediately lift all trade and economic sanctions on countries, organizations, persons and other entities. They are illegal because they are not pacific (peaceful) means of settling a dispute as required by the Kellogg Briand Pact of 1928

                       18.4.5 Apologize to all individuals and countries harmed by the U.S. and/or its corporations as appropriate

                       18.4.6 Provide massive relief efforts for people, refugees, displaced persons and countries harmed by the U.S. or its corporations

                       18.4.7 Make Restitution, Reparation, and Condolence Payments as appropriate.

                       18.4.8 Negotiate with and act on the valid complaints of Nations harmed. This along with other actions would essentially end acts of terrorism

                       18.4.9  Bring all overseas U.S. Armed Forces, CIA operatives and Armed Civilian Government Personnel and Contractors and all weapons back to the United States

                       18.4.10           Stop selling or providing arms, munitions, military training and intelligence gathering to all countries, in particular Israel, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and various militias in Syria, and prohibit them from using any previously provided arms, munitions and intelligence

                       18.4.11           End All Direct or Indirect Military Aid/Support and Offensive Arms Sales/Gifts to All Countries, Groups and Individuals

                       18.4.12           Turnover selective U.S. overseas bases, facilities, property, control of transport ships and aircraft with crews to the UN, UN Peacekeepers, Interpol and ICC to help establish a Global Peacekeeping, Security and Law Enforcement System described in TAP20 and close all other overseas bases and facilities all over the world.

                       18.4.13           Assign select U.S. Armed Forces Personnel and Government Employees to to help form the UN Global Peacekeeping, Security and Law Enforcement System and encourage other Countries to do likewise

                       18.4.14           Request the UN deploy U.N. Peacekeepers, security and law enforcement personnel, to be funded by the U.S., to all the areas where they are needed

                       18.4.15           End All Military Alliances and Membership in NATO and Phase out NATO

                       18.4.16           Announce and Describe to the World the Salient Actions/Initiatives of this Plan

                       18.4.17           Congress Enact Emergency Legislation to:

                     Prohibit Appropriations Being Used for War, Use of Force and Occupations.

                     Use Existing Appropriations for Withdrawal and Peaceful Purposes Only.

                     Vacate as Unconstitutional, Null and Void Since their Enactments the War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1541-1548, enacted November 7, 1973) and both of the following two AUMFs

                     Cancel, Set Aside, Vacate and Withdraw from All Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs)

                       18.4.18           Help End Israel's Occupation of the West Bank and their Attacks on and Blockade of Gaza which are all illegal


18.4.19           End Current and Prevent Additional Proxy Attacks and Wars against Iran or Any Country or Group.


18.4.20           End plans for cyberattacks on Russia or any other country or organization. There is no evidence that Russia or any foreign government has hacked American computers as evidenced by qualifying language used by Pentagon officials. Also, cyber attacks are not pacific means of settling a dispute. (see FACT SHEET: Imposing Costs for Harmful Foreign Activities by the Russian Government and Report: US Preparing Cyberattack Against Russia Over SolarWinds Hack).

18.4.21End attacks, bombing and use of force against ISIL, negotiate if possible and humanely prosecute ISIL Leaders in absentia if necessary


18.4.22           End the U. S. Government’s Military Support of Ukraine and Complicity in the EU-Ukraine-Russia Conflict and Help Resolve This Conflict by Pacific Means




18.4.25           Recognize and Restore Complete Sovereignty in Iraq and Afghanistan and All Other Countries Subdued or Harmed by the U.S.


18.4.26           Engage not coerce North and South Korea and help officially end the Korean War


18.4.27           U.S. Cease interfering in Venezuela


18.4.29           Close Guantanamo and All Other U.S. Overseas Prisons and Release or Turn over All Detainees to Proper Authorities


18.4.30           Not Used


18.4.31           Ensure that U.S. Corporations Do Not Privatize or Otherwise Take Advantage of Other Countries’ Resources, Industries and Economies


18.4.32           Finance the implementation of the UN SDGs as Appropriate in Countries Harmed by the U.S. or its Corporations and in Developing Countries.


18.4.33           Maintain and Continually Report the Status of this Plan


18.5    Background


18.6    Attachment A: Overthrowing other people's governments: The Master List by William Blum



18.2    Purpose. The purpose of this document is to implement:


18.2.1 SDG Target 16.1.2 Eliminate all forms of violence and related death rates, injuries, damages etc. everywhere from wars, conflict, disputes. etc. as rapidly as possible.


18.2.2 SDG Target 16.3.1 Eliminate all illicit arms flows as rapidly as possible.


18.3   Objectives

The objectives of this plan include:


18.3.1 Permanently disabling and elimination all nuclear weapons, initiating an immediate, unilateral cease fires in all countries, halting all U.S. bombing, aerial and drone attacks, covert operations and military and CIA actions all over the world. (These wars, attacks and covert operations are all unlawful, should have never happened and must cease immediately)


18.3.2 Apologizing, providing massive relief efforts and implementing UN SDGs in countries harmed by the US and in developing countries using in part goods, commodities and foodstuffs produced in America to count as reparations while helping these countries become self-sustaining as rapidly as possible.


18.3.3 Closing all U.S. overseas bases and facilities and bringing all US troops and government contractors home.


18.3.4 Ending the so called "war on terror" and treating terrorist acts as crimes.


18.3.5 Reprogramming current appropriations and revising proposed budgets to eliminate funding for wars, occupations, drone attacks and covert operations to provide funding for defensive, withdrawal and peaceful purposes.


18.3.6 Using diplomacy, negotiations and international civil and criminal courts instead of war and violence to settle disputes with other countries.


18.3.7 Confirm that Public Law 93-148, the War Powers Resolution, all other war power laws and Status of Forces Agreements have been null and void since the date of their enactment.

The bibliography at the end of this document provides a list of some of the sources for the information in this outline.                              


18.4   Actions. The President assisted by civilian and military officials rapidly take the following actions, while keeping the leaders of other countries and the public informed:


18.4.1 Lead efforts to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals Target Action Plans (TAPs).


18.4.2 Eliminate all nuclear weapons and funding for nuclear weapons and cancel nuclear weapon modernization and all other nuclear weapon programs President Biden immediately lift all trade and economic sanctions and re-enter the Iran nuclear deal also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Lifting sanctions will among other things ensure that Iranians have the essential goods they need to combat COVID-19. Sanctions are illegal because they are not pacific means of settling a dispute as required by the Kellogg-Briand Pact. Negotiate with all nuclear armed nations to immediately end the use of all nuclear weapons which are illegal under the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 and the Charter of the United Nations. Immediately begin complying with, sign, ratify and rigorously implement the “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons” which went into effect on January 22, 2021. Eighty six countries have signed the Treaty, 50 have ratified it and it went into effect January 22, 2021. The treaty is described in detail by the United Nations at Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons. The Treaty includes a comprehensive set of prohibitions on participating in any nuclear weapon activities. These include undertakings not to develop, test, produce, acquire, possess, stockpile, use or threaten to use nuclear weapons. The Treaty also prohibits the deployment of nuclear weapons on national territory and the provision of assistance to any State in the conduct of prohibited activities. States parties will also be obliged to prevent and suppress any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Treaty undertaken by persons or on territory under its jurisdiction or control. The Treaty also obliges States parties to provide adequate assistance to individuals affected by the use or testing of nuclear weapons as well as to take necessary and appropriate measure of environmental remediation in areas under its jurisdiction or control contaminated as a result of activities related to the testing or use of nuclear weapons. Provide Full Disclosure of All Nuclear Weapons and Enrichment Programs and Accept Strict Controls and Inspections over All Nuclear Weapons and Weapon Making Materials. Cease Expending Any Funds on Any Nuclear Weapon Development Program or to Improve or Refine Existing Programs. Prohibit Israel using any weapons system including nuclear, any part of which was received from the U.S. or sources in the U.S. to attack or conduct any clandestine or offensive operations against Iran or any other country. Accomplishing this and the above will strengthen the U.S. government's position when requesting that other countries take nuclear weapons off alert and phase them out. Permanently disarm all U.S. nuclear weapons, put them under the joint control of the U.S. and UN, return them all to the continental US, end reliance on the deterrence theory of "mutually assured destruction" as a deterrent and encourage all other countries to do likewise Eliminating nuclear weapons is required by the Kellogg-Briand Treaty and Article VI of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (NPT), which requires: pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control. Stop relying on the theory of “mutually assured destruction” as a deterrent because for example a terrorist could obtain a nuclear weapon, a leader could become mentally unstable or a mistake could happen that would lead to a mutual exchange.


18.4.3 End all wars, conflicts, use of force, drone attacks, bombings, covert operations, war on terror, occupations, government hacking and resolve all conflicts and disputes by pacific and legal means, diplomacy and negotiations               Order immediate cease fires and cease all bombing, drone attacks, offensive, covert and other military operations all over the world by the U.S. Military and government agencies, contractor personnel, and coalition and NATO forces. Call on all factions to please do the same. Completely end the war in Afghanistan, apologize to the country and pay restitution. End all of the U.S. involvement in the Syrian Civil War as outlined in TA18.4.23. Cease all support for, condemn the illegal Saudi blockade and operations in Yemen and help broker a truce. Stop all illegal actions towards Venezuela including attempting to overthrow the democratically elected President, Nicholas Maduro and recognizing the unelected Juan Guaido as interim President of Venezuela. This is being done to allow US oil companies to takeover Venezuela's oil reserves. Help End Israel's Occupation of the West Bank and their Attacks on and Blockade of Gaza which are all illegal as outlined in Target Action 18.4.18. Help negotiate truces between Saudi Arabia and Yemen and in Syria, Ukraine and Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Iraq, etc. because all wars and conflicts are illegal and all disputes must be settled by pacific means.                    Order U.S. Armed Forces and coalition forces to play purely defensive and peaceful roles. Order aircraft carriers, other surface combatants and submarines, if any, from the Persian Gulf and out of sight of land.  Order a withdrawal of all CIA operatives, private armed contractors, etc. and return them to the United States as rapidly as possible


18.4.4 Immediately lift all trade and economic sanctions on countries, organizations, persons and other entities. They are illegal because they are not pacific (peaceful) means of settling a dispute as required by the Kellogg Briand Pact of 1928 Sanctions to be lifted are listed and described the Office of Foreign Assets Control - Sanctions Programs and Information, the Consolidated Sanctions List (Non-SDN Lists) and the United States sanctions Wikipedia page In particular, rapidly lift sanction on Iran, Venezuela, Russia, China, Nicaragua, North Korea, Cuba and Syria that among other things are impeding importation of food and COVID relief to ordinary people. The United States should be cooperating with the other countries of the world and implementing the UN SDGs instead of sanctioning them.


18.4.5 Apologize to all individuals and countries harmed by the U.S. and/or its corporations as appropriate, and promise to make reparations as outlined in paragraph 18.4.7, below. The United States must take responsibility for and sincerely apologize to the people and governments of countries harmed by the U.S. and its Corporations including: All the countries listed in Attachment A “Overthrowing other people's governments: The Master List by William Blum,” which lists many of the unlawful invasions, bombings, overthrowing of governments, occupations, suppressing movements for social change, assassinating political leaders, perverting elections, manipulating labor unions, manufacturing false “news,” death squads, torture, biological warfare, depleted uranium, drug trafficking, and mercenary actions by chapter number of the book. Individuals abused or tortured and wrongfully and unlawfully detained. Families of individuals killed or disabled by U.S. Armed Forces, private security contractors, the CIA, etc. Tens of thousands of orphans. Refugees inside their country and those who have fled their countries. All workers who lost their jobs. Members of the Iraq military and Iraq military retirees who suffered pay losses when the Coalition Provisional Authority disbanded the Army and refused to pay military pensions.


18.4.6 Provide massive relief efforts for people, refugees, displaced persons and countries harmed by the U.S. or its corporations Provide massive humanitarian, resettlement, employment aid and assistance to the people and governments of countries harmed by the U.S. and its corporations. Ensure the people have access to food, water, shelter, health care, secure conditions and as appropriate employment opportunities e.g. distributing the aid, providing security, etc. to be paid for by the U.S. with the people of the countries doing the work.                   


18.4.7 Make Restitution, Reparation, and Condolence Payments as appropriate. The U.S. should make restitution, reparations, and condolence payments as appropriate with no strings attached for: Reconstruction/restoration of what the U.S. has damaged or destroyed, for clearing and dismantling land mines, unexploded ordnance, depleted uranium, blast walls, wire barriers, etc., with Iraqis managing the contracts and doing the work. What Iraq should have received for Iraq’s oil and other resources since the invasion of Iraq. Any Iraqi funds that were paid to U.S. government contractors for reconstruction work that was not done or was incomplete, shoddy or otherwise wasted.  Other similar items as they are uncovered/developed.


18.4.8 Negotiate with and act on the valid complaints of Nations harmed. This along with other actions would essentially end acts of terrorism.


18.4.9  Bring all overseas U.S. Armed Forces, CIA operatives and Armed Civilian Government Personnel and Contractors and all weapons back to the United States


18.4.10  Stop selling or providing arms, munitions, military training and intelligence gathering to all countries, in particular Israel, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and various militias in Syria, and prohibit them from using any previously provided arms, munitions and intelligence.  Cancel the administration’s $735 million approval for the illegal sale of direct attack precision-guided weapons to Israel, according to media reports.  Assist in maintaining the “Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)/Nuclear Weapons Free Zone” and insure that there are no nuclear or other WMD on any U.S. Ships or in possession of any other U.S. forces deployed in the Middle East as required by Article 14 UN Security Council Resolution 687. This resolution calls for "establishing in the Middle East a zone free from weapons of mass destruction and all missiles for their delivery."


18.4.11  End All Direct or Indirect Military Aid/Support and Offensive Arms Sales/Gifts to All Countries, Groups and Individuals and prohibit the use of any arms or aid, which was previously provided directly or indirectly by the U.S., for other than defensive purposes. This applies in particular to Israel, Ukraine, Egypt, Bahrain and rebels in Syria. This must be done as rapidly as possible. Encourage other countries to do the same. (Implement Target 16.4.1 Eliminate illicit arm flows)


18.4.12  Turnover selective U.S. overseas bases, facilities, property, control of transport ships and aircraft with crews to the UN, UN Peacekeepers, Interpol and ICC to help establish a Global Peacekeeping, Security and Law Enforcement System described in TAP20 and close all other overseas bases and facilities all over the world. Cease construction work on all U.S. overseas military bases, facilities and installations, in particular on JeJu Island, Korea and in the waters around JeJu Island.


18.4.13  Assign select U.S. Armed Forces Personnel and Government Employees to to help form the UN Global Peacekeeping, Security and Law Enforcement System and encourage other Countries to do likewise. Personnel to be assigned include many of those currently manning the U.S. overseas bases and facilities being turned over to the UN.


18.4.14  Request the UN deploy U.N. Peacekeepers, security and law enforcement personnel to all the areas where they are needed to be funded by the U.S.


18.4.15  End All Military Alliances and Membership in NATO and Phase out NATO


18.4.16  Announce and Describe to the World the Salient Actions/Initiatives of this Plan


18.4.17  Congress Enact Emergency Legislation to:  Prohibit Appropriations Being Used for War, Use of Force and Occupations. Congress prohibits appropriations being used for wars, occupations, drone attacks, offensive or covert operations anywhere in the world. These acts are all illegal as outlined the above Section 18.1 Introduction to this Document.

           Use Existing Appropriations for Withdrawal and Peaceful Purposes Only. Congress authorize the President to use existing appropriations for defensive, withdrawal and peaceful purposes to bring the troops and necessary equipment home and accomplish relief efforts.  Vacate as Unconstitutional, Null and Void Since their Enactments the War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1541-1548, enacted November 7, 1973) and both of the following two AUMFs:   The Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), “against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.” (Public Law 107-40; U.S.C. 1541 enacted September 18, 2001)   The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq (Pub. L. 107–243, 116 Stat. 1498, enacted October 16, 2002)   Congress does not have the power to authorize our country to use force. Our Constitution requires that Congress declare war.  Cancel, Set Aside, Vacate and Withdraw from All Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs)


18.4.18  Help End Israel's Occupation of the West Bank and their Attacks on and Blockade of Gaza which are all illegal.  End all support for and condemn the Israeli attacks on the West Bank and Gaza.  Apologize and pay reparations to the government and people of Palestine for the US support of Israel.  Cancel the 2016 Memo of Understanding made by the Obama Administration which was the largest single pledge of military assistance in U.S. history between Israel and the US which allocates 38 billion in military aid to Israel until 2028. End all material support to Israel and stop defending Israel's war crimes (see White House fact sheet). Stop all bombings and other attacks on Gaza and Palestine which are utilizing any United States support. These are war crimes by United States officials (UNAC).  Stop recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital as the Trump Administration did in 2017, move the US embassy back to Tel Aviv from Jerusalem and re-open the representative office of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in Washington, DC.  Restore all assistance to UNRWA, the UN agency tasked with supporting millions of Palestinians living as refugees and rejoin the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
                                                                                                                                 If need be review the background and pertinent law on Israel- Palestine, which the following provides.                                                         Al-Nakba Awareness Project http://www.al-nakba-history.com   If Americans Knew: What every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine http://www.ifamericansknew.org/history/ref-nakba.html   The Geneva Conventions and the Hague Regulations, both ratified by the U.S. are, along with the U.S. Constitution, the supreme law of the Land and require, among other things, that:  Countries are not allowed to obtain territory by war or force.  The people of the occupied country and prisoners of war must at all times be treated humanely. The legal definition of "humane" is: Kind, tender, compassionate. Disposed to eliminate the cause of suffering of man or beast.   An occupying power must take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.   An occupying country is required to ensure functioning electricity, potable running water, safe streets, and that the basic necessities of life are provided and is not permitted to make changes in the country's law beyond those absolutely necessary to meet these obligations.  UN deploy U.N. Peacekeepers, security and law enforcement personnel, to be funded by the U.S., into the border areas of and into the West Bank and Gaza and replace Israeli personnel. End the blockade of Gaza by Israel and Egypt under the watch of UN Peacekeepers.  Require Israel’s compliance with international law and applicable UN Security Council resolutions. Under international law, territory cannot be acquired by war. Palestinians who have lost their property have the right to return to them or be compensated at their choice. This right cannot be negotiated away by anyone other than the actual property owners or their heirs.  Encourage the governments and people of Israel and Palestine to use non-violent means, reject violence and engage in open, honest negotiations and reconciliation. Resolution must consider withdrawal of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) to the 1967 boundaries, return of refugees with full compensation, massive economic assistance in the establishment of an Arab Palestine to compensate for its economic devastation by Israel supported by the U.S. for the past 59 years. Admission, repudiation and abandonment of the Zionist ideology and goals.    Ensure either: Palestine is established as an independent country with full rights of self determination and full UN membership or Assuming the majority of the people of Israel and Palestine agree, plan for and establish a unitary, secular “one state” with constitutionally defined equal rights for all, transforming Israel into the normal democratic state it now falsely claims to be. With returning refugees, this would soon result in loss of Israel's Jewish majority and would therefore require renunciation of the racist, 19th century ideology of Zionism. We believe that this would save Israel as well as the Palestinians. (This alternative "one-state" model was proposed by Palestinian intellectuals Edward Said and Ali Abunimah, Israeli Eitan Bronstein and others).    U.S. end all direct and indirect: Offensive arms, munitions, repair parts, etc. sales and gifts to Israel and their agents by the U.S. Government, companies, individuals and their agents. Military aid and support. Equipment and supplies sales and gifts that could be used for building settlements, check points and dividing walls, destroying farms and orchard, or for any purpose outside Israel’s 1967 borders.    Prohibit Israel using any weapons or munitions supplied by or taken from the U.S. for any offensive purposes or for any use outside their 1967 borders.    Order all U.S. government employees, military personnel, U.S. contractors, individuals and their agents involved in providing funds, selling, giving, supplying, delivering, transporting, supporting, maintaining, providing technical or logistical support for any offensive arms, weapons, weapons systems, munitions, and repair parts to or for Israel to stop all shipments and work in progress.    End the U.S. Government's biased support of Israel in particular in the United Nations and Congress.    End the notion that Israel and the U. S. are "Allies."    Investigate the apparent unlawful sale of “triggers” for nuclear weapons and other prohibited items, and the alleged theft of bomb grade uranium and other arms by Zionists, Israel and its agents all of which is described on the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRMEP) website http://www.irmep.org.    Request the International Criminal Court (ICC) to humanely and privately investigate and as appropriate, summon (or quietly arrest if necessary), indict and prosecute in absentia if necessary ISIL Leaders.


18.4.19  End Current and Prevent Additional Proxy Attacks and Wars against Iran or Any Country or Group.  There is no evidence that Iran is actually developing nuclear weapons.  Allow NGO's have been prevented from providing humanitarian assistance to Iranian people.  It is unlawful for the U.S. to threaten to attack Iran, conduct any clandestine or offensive operations against Iran or invoke economic sanctions against Iran or any other country.  Lift all sanctions on Iran and return to the Iran nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which provided Iran billions of dollars in sanctions relief (Iran’s own money) in exchange for agreeing to curb its nuclear program.   Apologize to Iran for all the sanctions, the United States’ role in the death of Mossadegh, the installation and reign of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and pay restitution to Iran.   Do not threaten to attack Iran, conduct any clandestine or offensive operations against Iran or invoke any economic sanctions against Iran.  Prohibit Israel from using any weapon system or other munitions provided by the U.S. to attack or conduct any clandestine or offensive operations against Iran or any other country.  Not prevent humanitarian NGO’s from providing humanitarian assistance to the Iranian people.  Not ban visas for Iranians seeking to study, work, or visit family members in the United States. Provide the option of multiple entry visas for Iranian students which allow the visa holder to leave the country and return after meeting American immigration authorities


18.4.20  End plans for cyberattacks on Russia or any other country or organization. There is no evidence that Russia or any foreign government has hacked American computers as evidenced by qualifying language used by Pentagon officials. Also, cyber attacks are not pacific means of settling a dispute. (see FACT SHEET: Imposing Costs for Harmful Foreign Activities by the Russian Government and Report: US Preparing Cyberattack Against Russia Over SolarWinds Hack).


18.4.21  End attacks, bombing and use of force against ISIL, negotiate if possible and humanely prosecute ISIL Leaders in absentia if necessary. On a priority basis:  End attacks, bombing and use of force against ISIL, which is not working. These acts kill and harm many innocents and helps them pull in more recruits. Request others do likewise.  UN deploy U.N. Peacekeepers, security and/or law enforcement personnel as needed, to be funded by the U.S., to areas where ISIL is operating.  Request the International Criminal Court (ICC) humanely and privately investigate and as appropriate, summon (or quietly arrest if necessary), indict and prosecute in absentia if necessary ISIL Leaders.  File injunctions and tort claims in U.S. Courts, the ICC and the World Court against ISIL, its leadership, recruiters and anyone else that can be identified as having committed crimes against the U.S. or its people. Request other countries do the same.  Support popular movements described in the article How to Get Serious About Ending the ISIS War by Sarah Lazare, February 4, 2015  Deny the President’s request for a new Authorization for Use of Force against ISIL or any group or country  Request the International Criminal Court (ICC) to humanely and privately investigate and as appropriate, summon (or quietly arrest if necessary), indict and prosecute in absentia if necessary ISIL Leaders. The Plan to Humanely and Privately Prosecute Lawbreakers with Timely Restorative Justice Opportunities for Victims and Offenders provides draft procedures to accomplish this.


18.4.22  End the U. S. Government’s Military Support of Ukraine and Complicity in the EU-Ukraine-Russia Conflict and Help Resolve This Conflict by Pacific Means.


18.4.23  End all of the U.S. involvement in the Syrian Civil War.  UN deploy Peacekeepers, security and law enforcement personnel as needed, to be funded by the U.S., to Syria.           United States have proxy armies, rebel groups and White Helmets cease offensive operations and stop funding and providing weapons and training to them


18.4.24  Cease all support for, condemn the illegal Saudi blockade and operations in Yemen and help broker a truce.  Apparently, the US is continuing to provide sensitive intelligence to the Saudis.  Despite the announcement that the Administration would no longer support the war on Yemen, the Administration authorized massive weapons sales to the UAE and Saudi Arabia  According to a news article:   "Since February 3, when the administration announced it would end support for offensive Saudi military action against Yemen, the Saudi-led Coalition has also doubled down on its blockade of the country, preventing oil ships and even materials used to dispose of unexploded ordnance, including cluster bombs, from entering the country."   "In Sadaa, Hajjah, and the oil-rich Marib province, more than 150 airstrikes using the U.S- made bombs, including MK 81-82-83-84 cluster bombs, have been carried out according to the Yemeni Executive Mine Action Center (YEMAC), an organization backed by the United Nations."   "These attacks, according to the Houthi-led government in Sana'a, could not happen without a green light from the U.S. government, and all the talk about peace and an end to support for Riyadh are little more than talk for the sake of diplomatic consumption."


18.4.25  Recognize and Restore Complete Sovereignty in Iraq and Afghanistan and All Other Countries Subdued or Harmed by the U.S.. Immediately recognize/restore complete Iraq and Afghanistan sovereignty and return any control of oil, natural gas and other resources/assets, economy, government agencies, political processes, media, institutions, laws, etc., to the countries and the people of the Middle East so that they, not foreigners, are making the decisions about the future of their countries and are in control of their reconstruction. Cease all attempts to change national laws, privatize these countries resources, etc. In particular no country or institution should not own or permitted to get a percentage of the profits..U.S. Personnel Treat All People Including Detainees as Equals and with Respect. do not demonize any race or culture and fully comply with their laws, the Geneva Convention, Hague Regulations, UN Security Council Resolution 1483 of May 22, 2003, other international laws, etc.


18.4.26  Engage not coerce North and South Korea and help officially end the Korean War. The article North Korean Policy Must Focus on Engagement Not Coercion by Angela Kim, July 28, 2017 (at https://www.counterpunch.org/2017/07/28/north-korean-policy-must-focus-on-engagement-not-coercion) provides a very good approach for the U.S. role on the Korean Peninsula. Also see the Article Challenging US Foreign Policy Toward North Korea  Fully respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries in particular the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea).  End all sanctions against North Korea which are unlawful  Immediately cease provocative military maneuvers in particular in the vicinity of North and South Korea.  United States shutdown all bases in Korea and destroy or bring all offensive weapons and troops back to the U.S.  Stop meddling in South and North Korea's internal affairs.  Deactivate and remove THAAD missile defense system deployed near the North Korean border  Engage in good faith direct talks with North Korea, without pre-conditions, to bring these two nuclear powers back from the brink.  Negotiate in good faith with North Korea, South Korea and China and replace the 1953 Armistice Agreement with a Peace Agreement, finally ending the Korean War.  Correct the harm that the U.S. is responsible for in both North and South Korea some of which is outlined in Chapter 5 of William Blum’s book "Killing Hope"


18.4.27  U.S. Cease interfering in Venezuela  The primary reason that the U.S. is involved in Venezuela is so that U.S. oil companies cam get control of the massive oil reserves there.  U.S. eliminate illegal sanctions and withholding billions of Venezuela funds which is the primary reason for poverty there not socialism.


18.4.28  Help Develop, Fund, Support and Participate In, but Not Attempt to Control Comprehensive and Broadly-inclusive Negotiations on all relevant issues with no preconditions for negotiation and with no strings attached. Means of negotiations should include phone calls, email exchanges and meetings, among representatives from the United Nations, Arab League, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, the Palestinian Authority, the political wings of Hezbollah, Hamas and the Taliban, and the European Union, etc.. Items suggested for negotiations should include:  Diplomacy and other pacific means to resolve all differences with all countries. .  Security and stability of the Middle East including in particular timely withdrawal of occupying forces and as appropriate deployment of UN Peacekeepers.  Relief efforts to ensure Civil rights and equality of the people.  “Marshal Plans” to rebuild countries and provide employment opportunities   Resolution of the Sunni, Shia, Kurd power sharing situation in Iraq  Plans for timely, fair, fully creditable regional and national elections so that true democratic self- rule can be put into place.  Responsibilities of occupying and other groups (U.S. in Afghanistan and Israel in the West Bank and the Golan Heights), including prohibitions against changing a country's laws and taking its resources, etc.  Resolution of the Israel-Palestine-Syria-Lebanon situations including borders, settlements, right of return, two state solution, etc.  Resolution of the Turkey-Kurdish situation    International truth, reconciliation, amnesty, restitution, and restorative justice processes.    Consider the United Nations guaranteeing the borders of these countries so that they do not standing armies and for part of their armies to be reorganized and trained as Civil Engineering Corps, national and local police forces and local/state government “guards”.     Possible reconciliation defined as an airing of all grievances and the creation of pathways toward open, transparent talks producing truth and resolution of grievances. . Reconciliation must not be confused with capitulation, nor with realignments for the purposes of protecting power relationships. 1


18.4.29  Close Guantanamo and All Other U.S. Overseas Prisons and Release or Turn over All Detainees to Proper Authorities in close coordination with applicable governments. Commence releasing "security detainees" who have not been charged with a crime and pay them restitution if their confinement has been wrongful and unlawful and/or if they have been abused or tortured. If there is probable cause and they have been charged with specific crimes, as appropriate, turn them over to their own country, the International Criminal Court or indict and try them in regular U.S. court in accordance with applicable laws. If they have been held in connection with the post-invasion conflict, amnesty should be considered. In any case, detainees and prisoners must be treated humanely and with dignity. They should be detained only in places which practice restorative justice and in which they can enjoy the full protection of the law and have prompt access by the International Committee of the Red Cross. This work must be completed no later than one month after enactment of this plan. This is the right and moral thing to do, and until individuals who have been wrongfully detained, abused, tortured, etc. receive justice, they could be a threat to the U.S. and our people.


18.4.30  Not Used


18.4.31  Ensure that U.S. Corporations Do Not Privatize or Otherwise Take Advantage of Other Countries’ Resources, Industries and Economies.


18.4.32  Finance the implementation of the UN SDGs as Appropriate in Countries Harmed by the U.S. or its Corporations and in Developing Countries.  Provide alternative energy and other technologies along with the right to manufacture them. These plans should provide both employment opportunities and affordable necessities and needs of life for all. There is plenty of work to be done in health care, educational programs, reconstruction, clearing land mines and debris, repairing battle damage, rebuild roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, and other public facilities, houses, and factories. For example eliminate opium crops and replace with crops needed by the local inhabitants. Insure that U.S. corporations and the people of the U.S. do not take advantage of implementing the UN SDGs.  The Afghan Marshall Plan, described at http://jobsforafghans.org, is modeled after the post WWII reconstruction of Europe with an emphasis on jobs and the elimination of the need to grow opium provides a model for implementing the UN SDGs. This plan would cost just 5-10% of what the U.S. spent on the Afghan war. Similar plans are needed in Palestine, Iraq and Pakistan   There is no shortage of work to be done by unskilled and semi-skilled labor. Cash paid directly daily or weekly to laborers gets the funds to those who need it most.   The Iraqi people should decide their future with the help of the UN  Individuals and organizations are available that could lead and manage much of the reconstruction efforts. These include Malalai Joya's and the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (http://www.rawa.org)


18.4.33  Maintain and Continually Report the Status of this Plan. The status of all of these items should be continually maintained and available to the public on the White House web site.


18.5   Background


18.5.1 The Reasons the World Trade Center and Pentagon were Attacked.


18.5.2 The primary reasons the U. S. military is in the Middle East is to help corporation make as much money as possible from the oil reserves 2 there. See Oil and Oil Profits: The Primary Reason The US is in Mideast


18.5.3 The invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, the bombing of Libya, drone attacks against Pakistan covert operations, use of force, subterfuge in Pakistan and threats against Iran were unlawful, unjust, immoral, doomed to failure from the start and self-defeating.


18.5.4 Military aid, arms/munitions sales/gifts to Israel, or any country, used for other than legitimate self-defense constitute violations of the U.S. Arms Export Control Act and other domestic and international law.

18.5.5 The United States has a horrible record. Since its beginning, the U.S has taken the land, resources and labor from its indigenous people and other countries of the world. Please read enough of the illustrated booklet, Addicted to War by Joel Andreas to understand how horrible our record really is, the amends we need to make and the restitution we need to pay.

18.6   Attachment A: Overthrowing other people's governments: The Master List by William Blum. Four books by William Blum shows the many ways the U.S. has overthrown other peoples governments: unlawful invasions, bombings, occupations, suppressing movements for social change, assassinating political leaders, perverting elections, manipulating labor unions, manufacturing false “news,” death squads, torture, biological warfare, depleted uranium, drug trafficking, and mercenary actions.


18.6.1 Following list Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)

Afghanistan 2001 *

Afghanistan 1980s *

Albania 1949-53

Albania 1991 *

Angola 1975, 1980s

Australia 1973-75 *

Bolivia 1971 *

Bolivia 1964 *

Brazil 1962-64 *

British Guiana 1953-64 *

Bulgaria 1990 *

Cambodia 1955-70 *

Chad 1981-82 *

Chile 1964-73 *

China 1949 to early 1960s

Congo 1960 *

Costa Rica 1970-71

Costa Rica mid-1950s

Cuba 1959 to present

Dominican Republic 1963 *

East Germany 1950s

Ecuador 1960-63 *

Ecuador 2000 *

Egypt 1957

Fiji 1987 *

France 1965

Ghana 1966 *

Greece 1967 *

Grenada 1983 *

Guatemala 1954 *

Haiti 2004 *

Honduras 2009 *

Indonesia 1965 *

Indonesia 1957-8

Iran 1953 *

Iraq 1991

Iraq 1963 *

Iraq 2003 *

Jamaica 1976-80 *

Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *

Libya 2011 *

Libya 1980s

Nicaragua 1981-90 *

North Vietnam 1945-73

Panama 1989 *

Portugal 1974-76 *

Seychelles 1979-81

Somalia 1993

Somalia 2007 to present

South Yemen 1982-84

Suriname 1982-84

Syria 2012

Syria 1956-7

Ukraine 2014 *

Venezuela 2002 *. The U.S. is trying again in 2019.

Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *

Zaire 1975

